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“I thought you’d been warned off the wine, no?” Eoin sidles up beside me a short while later, as I’m on my second glass.

I turn, eyeing the boyish, golden-haired male. Unlike the rowdy fae trouncing about, shedding clothes and dancing their night away, he stands prim and proper. Even his shirt buttoned all the way up to the collar.

“You don’t look sweaty enough to be having a good time,” I say.

“Would you like to change that?” He teases, arching a brow.

“You miscreant.” I snort a laugh into my wine.

He winks at me, offering a hand. “I only meant by dancing with me.” He bats his long eyelashes at me innocently. “How many times must a male ask for you to accept?” He pauses, then quickly adds, “Though if you do say no, truly, I shall leave you be.”

Hesitating before accepting his hand, my mind flashes to Rainer. He still hasn’t come to seek me out. I was hoping he might. Especially after he gifted me a rose…especially after I dressed like his rose.

I can practically hear Char’s voice in my head. She’d tell me something like, “You cannot fix him. You cannot find his happiness for him, my Alessia. You can only create your own.”

My head buzzes with fuzzy pleasure as I push Rainer out of my thoughts.


I’ll create my own joy.

“Let’s dance.” I tilt back my head, downing the entire glass of wine in one gulp.

Eoin chuckles at me before grabbing a glass and doing the same.

I smile up at him, hesitantly placing my hand in his. He interlocks our fingers and leads me over to the dance floor. We push through the throng of fae as my blood starts to warm and a buzzing sensation races through my body. I’m lighter, happier, freer.

Despite the music being fast-paced and upbeat, he draws me close to his chest, his sweet scent putting me at ease. Or maybe it’s the wine.

My head spins in the most delightful way.

Unlike when I was high on the moonberries, I’m energized.

We dance for hours, me and Eoin. Even Viv, Sennah, and Ken join us for a few dances. At one point in the night, I spot Tynan, lurking in the shadows, watching me.

“What’s the deal with Rainer’s brother?” I ask Eoin.

His face scrunches with confusion. “Brother?” He follows my line of sight over his shoulder, to where the broad, brooding man stood a moment ago. But now it’s empty. “He doesn’t have a brother.”

Do people not know who Tynan is? I suppose I know more of Rainer’s secrets than I thought.

I trip, missing a step, and Eoin chuckles as he steadies me.

“Nevermind. I was confused.” I laugh it off and grab Eoin’s hands, tugging him to the wine table.

I try not to let thoughts of Rainer invade me. Grabbing another glass, I chug it to the dregs and return to dancing. I let the music course through my body and take control.

“I’ve never had this much fun in my life.”

Eoin continues to glance past me, searching. I grip his chin and direct his focus back to me.

He flashes me a dazzling smile that makes my heart flutter. “Come with me, Alessia, to my court. I’ll ensure you have this much fun everyday for the rest of your life.”

“That sounds a little tiring.”

“Better get used to it. The fae will dance until sunrise and beyond.”

All around us, everyone continues to engage in festivities, none of them showing signs of slowing down.

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