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Curiosity burns brightly inside me.

More importantly than all of that, Rainer and I need to finish this conversation about our shared dreams—about whatever magic he’s using to invade them and why. I refuse to sleep until he gives me answers.

Temptation to follow the brothers arises, but Tynan is unsettling. I’d rather not spend another moment in his presence.

The only thing worse than a cruel fae prince is a cruel fae prince with an equally troubled brother.


Instinct Ends Up Being Right


Everything changes with the dream-sharing revelation.

I still haven’t fully wrapped my head around the implication. It should be impossible. A human cannot dreamwalk…yet, Alessia was definitely in my dreams.

She can fight my magic.

She can dreamwalk with me.

Until I confirm that it means what I think it means, and find out how it’s even possible, I need to keep this little nugget of information quiet. It will attract unwanted attention. And if it somehow is what I think—


It just can’t be.

I refuse to accept it…even though it explains my inexplicable draw to her—why I can’t let her go. Why I’m driven to protect her.

Sighing, I run a hand over my face. This is a mess.

Tynan and Alessia’s paths were not supposed to cross. But sure enough, Tynan just couldn’t wait for me in my father’s old office. I had asked the servants to bring him there when he arrived, but I can’t blame them for their inability to hold him there against his will.

He’s a very… persuasive male.

Which is part of the reason I stationed him away from my court.

Now, I’ll work overtime to keep him away from Alessia. I can’t trust Tynan not to glamour her, to influence her, but I had new wards instated this morning. He’s the brother with the power of persuasion. That skill didn’t come in my repertoire.

Alessia is going to want answers. Not only about the dreamwalking situation—which I don’t even know where to begin with—but also about my brother and Shyga. I avoided gauging her reaction at those new bits of information, because I know Tynan is trying to stir up drama already.

I lean against my father’s glossy-oak desk, crossing my arms. Staring down my brother, I push all other thoughts aside for the moment. He runs his grubby finger over the leather spines on the bookshelf, acting interested.

As if he’s ever read a book in his life.

“You need to watch your mouth under my roof, Tynan.”

He knows the rules and expectations I’ve set between us. No one is to know we’re brothers. A feat he’s already disrespected by announcing it to Alessia.

Thank the gods the others were gone.

Kenisius knows the truth—he’s the only one who knows all of my secrets—and I’d prefer to keep it that way.

“What are you so scared of, brother? Afraid your beloved court will learn the truth?”

I grit my teeth. Without responding, I call forth my power, focusing on Tynan’s stocky, swaggering frame. When his steps falter, and he sucks in a sharp breath, I smirk to myself.

I’ve learned how to block out his glamour, yet he can’t block my fearcaller power out. It gives me a smug sense of satisfaction.

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