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Like my dream.

He’s been there since the beginning. Since the very first dream I’ve had about him.

“Do you really know that though?” I whisper-yell. “Because how dare you.”

A blue-haired servant with jerky movements, scurries around the table collecting our dirty dishes. At my tone towards Rainer, they bug their eyes at me. Rainer tilts his head to the side, dismissing them with a flick of his hand.

Once we’re alone, he props himself up on the edge of the table, swinging his legs and staring at me with an oddly expectant expression. He flicks a blueberry upward, catching it effortlessly in his mouth.

“How dare I what exactly?”

“You know what! You—you—bastard.”

A warm, inviting laugh leaves him, totally at odds with the cold demeanor I normally see from him. It almost reminds me of the Rainer from my dream. The lighthearted, fun, easy-going Rainer. I shrug the thought away, reminding myself it doesn’t matter if he seems happier or nicer now, he explicitly violated my privacy when he entered my dream.

“Enlighten me, please.”

“You invaded my privacy. Somehow you—your magic—you practically assaulted me in my own dream!”

“Your—what?” His expression grows serious. “I told you I would never touch someone against their will.”

“Yeah, well…It doesn’t matter because you were still technically taking advantage of me while I dreamed.”

He hops down off the table, rolling up his sleeves to showcase tattoos on his muscular left forearm, as he strolls toward me with arrogance. He stops a few inches away, and leans forward to whisper into my ear. His eyes darken to navy then fade back to pale-blue.

“No, Alessia, taking advantage would have been having my way with you when you consumed those berries. When you straddled me in the grass. When you begged me to join you in bed.”

His tone makes my stomach tumble, and I’m immediately too hot and cold at the same time. I step back to put some distance between us, wiping my hands on my thighs.

“Stay out of my dreams you dirty, manipulative—”

“Feckin’ hell.” He grips my chin firmly yet gently, forcing me to look at him. “Damn it, Alessia! I’ve never been in your dreams. That’s not how my power works.”

“But the sunset roses and—”

“Bloody hell.”

“Stop cursing!”

“I had a feeling... but you’re...” he mutters. “Gods.”


“I didn’t know.” He runs his hands over his face with a groan. “I—” Shaking his head, he gives me a sad look. “I should’ve known something was up the moment I had a good dream.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’ve had nothing but nightmares for years. Part of being a fearcaller. I deal in fears, nightmares if you will, and that’s the price I pay. But with you—anytime I dream of you, it’s a good dream. My nightmares have mostly subsided since you showed up.”

“Because it’s not your dream you're having.” I cross my arms. “I don’t know how you’re entering my dreams, but stop it.”

“That’s the thing.” He gives me a perplexed look. “It’s not—I’m not—”

“You are infuriating.” My list of questions seems to be growing the longer I stay here. “Feckin’ faerie,” I mutter.

He steps so close our chests almost touch, and he reaches out to push a curl out of my face. “Did you just swear at me?” His lips twitch. “I’m a bad influence on you, it would appear.”

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