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She steps forward and gives him a hug. He awkwardly pats her shoulder in return before pushing her away.

“Alessia, this is Princess Sennah of Terra Court,” Rainer says, as if the entire morning never happened. As if we are casual acquaintances and he didn’t slice our budding friendship in half.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my slacks, aware of the nervous disaster I am.

“Unless you’re staff, Sennah is just fine,” she corrects.

“Apparently I’m the entertainment,” I mutter.

Rainer rubs his jaw, staring at me intensely. As if he’s trying to relay a message. I turn my attention to the princess, instead. She simply cocks her head, watching us with interest.

Faerie courts and politics are baffling. In Dovenak, I only know of one royal—Queen Wyetta, the one who reigns over the entire Wessex Peninsula. She has no heirs, no princes or princesses in line for the throne. There are other royals in other parts of the continent, beyond the Barrens, and sometimes they marry their heirs off to one another to ensure political neutrality or combine resources, but we don’t often hear about them.

“Where’s Eoin?” Sennah gazes up at the chandelier in awe, as it spins beacons of light throughout the room. Without waiting for Rainer’s response, she says, “Always did love your space, Rai. Spooky and stunning, just like you.”

Rainer strokes his temples, as if he’s annoyed at the princess.

“Peppy Princess, what an unpleasant surprise!” Ken's booming voice fills the space as he enters with Viv and Eoin at his side. I notice he’s swapped his armor for dress slacks and tunics, similar to Rainer’s, but Viv stands regal as ever in her leather vest with matching scabbard.

“My favorite cub!” Sennah screeches. “Give me a bear hug.”

Ken groans, but he wraps his arms around her, embracing like old friends.

When they release, Ken ruffles my hair and asks, “Glad to see you’re okay, little human.”

“I’m fine,” I mutter lamely, watching everyone cautiously.

“Finally, you made it, sister,” Eoin says as he steps beside me. We’re so close that our pinkies brush. After his sister greets him, he leans in so only I can hear, “I went searching for you.”

Turning to face him, I blush when I see his forehead marred with concern. When I offer a reassuring smile, his eyes crinkle adorably around the corners.

“Just not used to… faeries I suppose.”

He chuckles, and the sound makes my stomach turn over. “Not all the fae are like Rainer. Some of us have morals, you know.”

It hits me then, if his sister is the princess— “You’re a prince, too.”

He scratches the back of his neck, looking bashful. “Technically, yes, though my sister oversees much of the court. It’s not really my thing.”

“Of course you are,” I mutter. His face drops at that. “Oh—I didn’t mean it like that.”

“It’s all right. I get it.”

“No, seriously. That was rude of me. Especially after how kind you’ve been. I’d say I owe you… but you faeries and your bargains.”

He offers me a shy smile. “I know a way you can make it up to me. Without an official bargain.”

Sennah and Ken burst into laughter at their separate conversation, startling me, and reminding me that we’re not alone. I glance over at the group to see Rainer’s penetrating gaze focused on me, his lips pulled down in a frown. I squirm, not understanding what the intense stare-down is for. No one else seems to notice as they chat amongst themselves, catching up lightheartedly.

“How about it?” Eoin asks, elbowing me playfully.

“Huh? I—what did you say?”

“How do you feel about making it up to me?”

Oh. He’s serious about that. “I—”

“Enough time wasting,” Rainer’s sharp voice cuts in, his eyes still locked onto mine. A muscle tics in his cheek. “We’re all busy, so let’s get on with it.”

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