Page 27 of Her Alpha Bosses

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Mid floor.

“Uh…” My heart started to race, and I lurched toward the emergency speaker, which blinked red, creating a crimson aura up the walls.

“Well shit,” Liam grunted behind me.

Pressing the button, I waited with bated breath for someone to answer. Eventually, a voice crackled through.


“Hi, uhm… sorry, it’s Callie. Callie Everheart. I’m in the elevator with Liam. Liam Hall and it seems like the elevator’s broken because – well, we’re not going anywhere.”

“Aye, sorry about that pal,” the voice replied, rippling with static. “There’s been a power cut but I’ll send someone to get you both out of there ASAP. Sit tight.”

The line crackled, then fell silent.

Sit tight? Really? Where else are we going to go?

“Shit.” I wiped at my damp forehead and shoved hair out of my face, then leaned back against the wall.

“Are you okay?” Liam’s hands were on his hips while he eyed me with concern.

“I’m okay. Small spaces don’t bother me,” I assured him. “I just have so much work to do.” Nodding to the files in my arms, I eventually set them on the ground in the corner. There was no point in holding onto them if we were stuck here.

As time ticked by, we both eventually ended up on the floor waiting for rescue.

“All I’m saying,” Liam teased lightly, “is that of all the places I expected to run into you, a nightclub with Kane Lewis trailing after you wasn’t even on the list.”

My cheeks flushed. “It wasn’t planned. It just sort of happened.”

“Oh, because you’re so irresistible, huh?” Liam’s shoulder nudged into mine.

I blushed harder. “It’s not like that. We’d been drinking and it had been a long day.”

“Oh, so it was only a drunk fuck? Is that regret I hear?”

“No!” I answered, perhaps too quickly. “I don’t regret it at all.”

“I’m not judging.” Liam held both hands up, then worked at the buttons on his shirt to release a few more. Without the AC, the temperature in the elevator was rising. Not that the current topic was helping me keep cool at all.

“If anything,” he continued. “I’m more surprised at Kane. I thought he was far too prudish to fuck someone in the toilet but clearly there’s more to that guy than meets the eye.”

“You’d be surprised.” Resting my head against the wall, I stared up at Liam and bit the inside of my cheek to try to control my sudden, rampant thoughts about his jawline.

“Well, I’m sad I missed the chance. If I’d been there earlier, maybe I would have been the one taking you in the toilets.”

“You didn’t,” I said boldly, and without much thought.

Liam looked at me, angling his body in my direction. “Didn’t what?”

“Miss your chance. I don’t belong to anyone. I’m not dating. I’m a free spirit so… so no, you didn’t miss your chance.”

Callie, what are you doing?

Am I really so horny that flirting this openly with Liam is a good idea?

Liam blinked, then he was on top of me and claiming my mouth in a biting kiss. I grasped his jaw, marveling at the strength there, and pulled him into the kiss with a moan. All sane thoughts fled from my mind.

Maybe it was the heat of the elevator or the fact we were trapped together. Maybe it was because I’d been turned on all week and was reaching the point of insanity. I couldn’t pinpoint it and frankly, I didn’t want to.

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