Page 99 of Vicious Throne

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Aislynn was at my back already, so I could either do what he was not-so-subtly suggesting or slam the door in his face and kiss my one chance at getting his help goodbye.

Fuck this.

“Eyes on him,” I said.

“Got it.” From the corner of my eye, I watched Ash lift the gun. Victor didn’t seem nervous that two women were holding him up, but he did trail his eyes over my friend. In fact, the entire time I frisked him, he kept his focus on her.

Not good.

Victor’s body was stacked with muscles that weren’t too obscene, which I got a serious feel for as I checked him over for weapons I didn’t find. I almost wished he had some so I could kick him out without feeling a sliver of concern for how he’d react. Frankly, the way he was eye-fucking Ash was making me uncomfortable.

She was just getting out of one train wreck of a relationship. She didn’t need another, and cartel men were far worse than mafia men. They took possessive to a whole new level. Crossing my arms, I jerked my chin at her to lower the weapon. “He’s clean.”

Victor frowned. “I told you, I come in peace.”

“We’re not really trusting men right now, so your word doesn’t mean shit,” Aislynn said caustically, dropping the gun to her side, though she didn’t take her eyes off him, and not for the same reason he couldn’t stop watching her. There was a boatload of mistrust in my friend’s eyes.

“Is there a reason men are persona non grata at the moment?” When she didn’t automatically answer, Victor stared at her, and I watched Ash struggle to hold still. I wasn’t on the receiving end of that look, and even I felt how penetrating it was. Like he could peek inside her brain and see all the gory details of her marriage written out for him to read.

I shivered.

The motion caught his attention, and he blinked, pulling himself out of whatever moment they were having. With one last look at her, he turned back to me. “Could we take this inside? Like you said, my security team appreciates my ability to minimize the danger in situations they can’t join me for, and I’d prefer not to take a bullet to the head right now.”

There was no way we were being watched unless he’d brought Cash to my doorstep—in which case, I’d kill him myself—but he wasn’t the only one uncomfortable with a conversation on the porch.

Keeping most of my attention on him, I looked over at Aislynn. You okay with that?

She shrugged. Does it matter?

Yeah, it did. If she wasn’t comfortable with him coming inside the house, then he wouldn’t be allowed in. She’d earned more than that small concession.

“We should get inside,” she said softly. The haunted look as she passed reminded me that she’d been caught unaware and attacked by Cash three separate times. I planned to make him pay for each one.

Victor stepped forward, only to stop when I barred him with my arm. “Make one wrong move and I’ll be down an ally.”

“Of course. Thank you for allowing me into your home.” He inclined his head before stepping fully inside the house.

“I doubt we could’ve stopped you,” Ash mumbled, though there was a teasing grin on her lips.

“Likely not, but I appreciate the hospitality anyway.” I shut the door as he turned to Ash and held out a hand. “Victor Paez, and you are Miss…?”

Considering he already knew I had a guest, I had no doubt that he knew who Ash was and that she was technically a Mrs.

That haunted look returned, and she crossed her arms awkwardly, rubbing her bare ring finger. “Aislynn O’Bannon.”

Victor studied her finger absently, and I was sure I was right. He knew everything there was to know about Ash. The silence held us for a moment until he softened his voice. “I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable since I arrived.”

“You didn’t. Life did.”

With nothing else to say about that, I motioned to Victor first. “Formal sitting room is over there.”

He seemed amused but didn’t contradict me as he walked ahead of both of us.

This was going to be a shitshow.

Chapter Twenty-Six

