Page 50 of Vicious Throne

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Only, when I raised a come back to bed eyebrow, they laughed.

Grey slid over me, pressing barely there kisses along my skin until I was writhing. Then he slapped my thigh and slipped away. “Up, wife.”

What the fuck?

Grumbling—okay, pouting—my way through a shower that no one joined me in, I came out to find clothes on the bed and breakfast made.

It wasn’t until I was stuffed—and not in the good way—clothed, and shoved into the SUV that they finally let me ask, “What are you three up to?”

Dominic grinned from the driver’s seat, the crooked smile that was just for me making my heart race. “We’re taking you out.”

“Out?” Considering what we’d done yesterday, I didn’t think leaving the penthouse was a smart decision. “Is that a good idea?”

“We’ll take care of you,” Nate promised.

Dominic nodded. “It’s time we had a little bit of fun.”

Warmth spread through me at the reminder of just how fun they could be. Greyson, who sat next to me, laughed under his breath.

“Don’t get your hopes up for that,” he whispered. “You’ll be disappointed.”

“It’s your fault I’m so horny,” I hissed, but I relented when he pressed the world’s softest kisses on my knuckles. “Whatever happens, I don’t think I could ever be disappointed with the three of you.”

“I want that in writing for the next time I fuck up,” Nate joked, and even Dominic laughed.

Greyson’s smile brightened his whole face, and he slid his hand onto my thigh, letting it rest there. As we drove, I watched the city I loved.

There were hints of Cash everywhere. Boarded-up windows and people rushing to get inside, but I was stamped all over the city too. My businesses and men patrolling the streets, the faint hints of my family crest in bricks and cement sidewalks. But the biggest indication that Seattle was still mine was the hope. For every person rushing into their home, there were ten more walking casually on the street, trusting that I’d keep them safe.

Knowing I’d die to do so.

No matter where we were going, if all I got out of the day was that desperately needed reminder, I’d be pleased.

It wasn’t until we pulled past the copse of evergreens that I realized where we were, and adrenaline rushed through me.

Grey and I didn’t take vacations, but when the city got too loud, the cabin was where we went. It wasn’t a safe house per se, but it was as close to off the grid as we could allow it to be. We hadn’t been in months, despite how much we could’ve used it.

The cabin was big enough to house all of us, though it was definitely rustic. We hadn’t wanted to do more than basic renovations to it. After all, we’d purchased it under more than a few layers of protection, so no one knew it was ours. Bringing contractors out would’ve ruined that.

I’d thought about what it would be like to have all of us here, to spend a week connecting in whatever way we needed—mostly, naked. It made me nervous that we’d come to our little hidey-hole right now, though.

“Has something happened?”

“No, reina.” Grey squeezed my thigh in reassurance. “Nothing’s going on.”

“Are you sure?”

Dominic slid out of the car, opening my door and leaning into my space to press a kiss to the corner of my mouth. The click echoed through the car as my seat belt slithered back to its resting position, Dominic’s hands firm on my hips. “I promise everything is okay. Just come with us.”

All I needed was Nate’s hand and I’d be—oh, there it was. He snuck it onto my knee like he knew I needed the connection. Looking between all three of them, I sighed. “Fine, but if you’re lying, I’m not fucking any of you again.”

Dominic threw back his head and laughed. “Whatever you say, baby.”

With another squeeze of my hips, he helped me out of the car, letting me slip under his arm so I was plastered to his side. Being close to my men had become my safe place. Touching them, a balm to the anxiety and stress that Cash’s bullshit forced me to carry. A buoy for the weight of the world on my shoulders.

It was like being in their presence made everything better. I never wanted that to change.

Fuck, I’m a sap for these men. Gross.
