Page 14 of Vicious Throne

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Even tired and anxious for what tomorrow would bring, his smile still lit me up. “What about the others? Should they be here?”

Probably, but this wasn’t for them. “We’ll tell them tomorrow.”

This was for Greyson and me. It had been a lifetime coming.

“Dominic’s going to shit a brick.” There was no mistaking the smugness in his voice, and it made me snort.

“Are you two going to compete over me for the rest of our lives?”

He wound his hand through my hair and pulled me up until he could brush his lips over mine. “Don’t kid yourself. Nate will join too. Does it bother you?”

“Not at all.” As long as the four of us had a forever to look forward to, I wasn’t sure I cared what the hell they did.

“You ready for forever, reina?”

Relief nearly took me to my knees. “More than ready.”

I didn’t argue when Grey clicked the brakes on the wheelchair and slowly stood up on unsteady legs. He’d been walking here and there, but the blood loss had taken a lot out of him. Still, he didn’t seem to mind my hold as I helped him into the chapel. “I want to do this right one day,” he whispered.


“Yep. A big wedding with all our friends and the rest of the family. I want to show off my bride.”

“Oh really?”

He leaned over to kiss my jaw, nibbling his way to my ear. “Absolutely. When you marry a queen, you don’t hide her away. You show her off until everyone else is seething with jealousy.”

Well, all right then.

The two of us walked down the aisle in T-shirts and jeans. The minister I’d found said nothing about the knives and guns strapped to our bodies, though I saw her eyes dance over them quickly. “Welcome, Ms. Marcosa. We’ve got everything settled.”

“Thanks. I apologize for the late notice.”

She smiled. “It happens more than you think. Now, who will bear witness to this union?”

Fuck, I hadn’t thought about witnesses. I considered grabbing Dr. Grant, who I knew was sleeping in an on-call room a few doors down, but before I could, I heard them.

“We will.”

I whipped around, eyes wide at the two disheveled men near the door. Nate and Dominic walked down the aisle, stopping a respectful distance away.

“We were going to tell you tomorrow,” I promised, but both of them shook their heads.

Nate smiled softly. “We’re not upset, angel. We just wanted to support you. Both of you.”

“What he said.” Dominic grinned at Greyson. “I like the casual look, man. It suits you.”

“Don’t get used to it.” Grey laughed, pulling him in for a hug that I didn’t see coming. The two whispered for a moment before Dominic clapped him on the shoulder and stepped back to stand with Nate.

At the minister’s suggestion, I slipped off my engagement ring and handed it to Nate, while I gave Dominic Greyson’s ring to hold. With everyone in position, the minister smiled at us and began.

The whole time she spoke about commitment and marriage, I looked at Greyson.

My rock. My savior. My home. I tried to reconcile the boy I’d grown up with, the one who’d brushed my hair when nobody else would and snuck me treats when I was grounded to my room without dinner. Through everything, he’d been there. He’d become my best friend, my confidant, the love of my life. One of three, but still.

He was mine and I was his. This just made it official.

When she asked if we had written our own vows, we both smiled. “I, Marianna Elizabette Marcosa, take you, Greyson Andrews, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to stay and fight no matter what. To be your shelter when life gets hard and your rock when things feel unstable. I promise to love you enough for forever.”
