Page 122 of Vicious Throne

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Chapter Thirty-Two


One second, we were watching Dominic haul Greyson out of the hole, and the next, we were flying.

Or, more accurately, falling.

“I wasn’t aware there was a trap door in the bar,” I groaned.

The sounds of men screaming and random pops of gunfire above us would hide our yells, so no way the others could hear us down here. Wherever the hell here was.

“There isn’t one,” Mari said.


“We don’t have a trap door in the bar.”

“A serious oversight on your part.”

We both jerked at Cash’s voice, though Mari was quicker to get on her feet than I was. She had her gun up and pointed at him before I registered she’d moved at all.

Cash clicked his tongue like a disapproving father. “Better put that down. Wouldn’t want the whole place to blow.”

He tipped his head back, that manic fire that preceded his worst plans obvious, and my eyes widened. He’d taped a fuck-ton of explosives to the far wall, more than enough to level not just the building but the entire street.

“Are you fucking stupid?” Hauling myself to my feet, I kept my body between him and Mari.

“One stray bullet and we’re all dead.” Mari shook her head.

Obviously, I’d forgotten that my brother hadn’t been a rational person in a long time. All he did was shrug. “I’m ready to die today. Are you?”

Not a chance, but with bullets flying around upstairs, we needed to get this done and get the fuck out of the club before it blew.

Mari stared at the wall before carefully handing her gun to me then stripping off the rest and laying them at my feet. After that, she moved to the knives.

I looked between her and my brother, finding him doing the same with his own cache of weapons. “What the hell are you doing? Put those back on.”

Cash had spent most of his adult life strung out, but he was still bigger than Mari in every way. Her training meant she could take him, but it wouldn’t be pretty. Far easier just to shoot the fucker and move on.

“I’m ending this.”

“Not like this,” I begged. “Just shoot him and be done.”

“I’m not blowing us all up.”

Cash had positioned himself right in front of the explosive wall, and I had no doubt he’d do his best to stay near it throughout the fight. Mari was right; one stray bullet and we were all done.

“You too, little brother. Weapons off. I promise it’ll be a fair fight.”

Not a fucking chance.

Mari didn’t even glance at me. “Do it, Nate.”

“This is a bad idea.” I still did it, even when my stomach was screaming at me. Who was I to decide how Mari got her revenge? Who was I to take this away from her? If she wanted to inflict pain for all she’d suffered, that was her right.

I didn’t fucking like it, though.

“I’ll let you keep one knife each,” Cash said, kicking his own pile away.
