Page 119 of Vicious Throne

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“Could you blame me if I did?”

He hummed, which was obviously a no.

“Is it done?” I breathed, not willing to let even a word get to Mari.

Nate dipped his chin. “Eagle will get her out if things go south.”


“Colombia. Christian has agreed to keep her out of Emmanuel’s sight if the worst happens.”

“Probably because of Shara,” Grey mused, but he seemed more relaxed knowing there was a way out for our girl if everything went wrong. Truthfully, so was I.

I wanted to stay by her side always, but I preferred she lived, even if she was alone.

The fear of what would happen to Mari if things went sideways didn’t go away just because we had an exit plan for her, but it did ease a little, knowing Eagle and his band of psychos would get her out if Cash won. Made it easier to focus on what we needed to do.

“We stay together. No one gets separated, and none of us dies,” Grey said. “Mari won’t survive it.”

Nate and I nodded. Grey was right. There was only so much a person could go through without losing their humanity, and Mari was already at that point. Losing us would tip her over the edge.

Our girl looked over, and even though she softened at the sight of us, her eyes glimmered with a vengeance that the world would lose her to. But that was only if we died. So, we just wouldn’t.

We’d stay alive and make Mari the happiest woman in the world.

All we had to do was defeat an army to make it happen.

No big deal.

We decided to split Black Team in two, putting our family as part of the first wave of attacks in hopes that Cash didn’t fortify himself against us more than he already had. Kosas immediately stepped up, offering himself and his men to break in, which meant it was likely going to be a lot bloodier than expected.

The second wave—with Victor and Christian—would come soon after. We also kept a third recovery team nearby to help in case of evacuation or in case Cash tried to run again. Sharpshooters, including Rafael, already lined the closest building, ready and willing to take out every Ace who stepped outside the club.

This was all going to be fast movement with heavy impact. We needed plenty of eyes to make sure no one slipped away. If they sided with Cash, they were dead. End of story.

Opening the back of the SUVs, we all armed ourselves quickly. We all had comms units in our ears so we could talk once we breached since our plan had a tighter timeline than all the other hits.

We needed to be inside—having taken out some men already—when the rest of the first wave crashed into the Aces. Cash would likely lock down the club the second he got word. If we could get to him while the rest of his forces went after the second wave, we were pretty sure we could end this quick. Or, as quick as killing a psychopath could be.

Mari looked us over, triple-checking that we had everything too but moving back to check in one last time with Christian and Victor. “Give us ten minutes, and then go.”

They nodded, and we skirted around the building.

Two minutes to get to the club. Eight to get inside.

No fucking pressure.

We stuck to the shadows and alleys as we wound our way toward Gilded, expecting to find the Aces guarding the perimeter.


That wasn’t suspicious at all.


She glanced my way with a frown. “Tell the others.”

“Almost to the basement door. No signs of guards outside. Any movement on your end?”
