Page 109 of Vicious Throne

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I shrugged. “I’m not sure that’s any of your business.”

It was actually kind of fun watching that vein in his head pop out.

Christian smiled to himself and sank a little deeper into the couch. “I assume Victor doesn’t want to lose Seattle’s importing capabilities. Chances are, he gave you his army for that alone.” When I still didn’t reply, he nodded to himself. “What if we offered you the same deal? Our help for the ability to import what we need through your docks.”

“Why would I need you when I already have him?”

That smile turned into an infuriating smirk that I wanted to smack off his face. According to Shara’s scoff, she did too. “I think we both know you need as much help as you can get. Cash’s forces are far more widespread than you assume. It’ll take months to eradicate him on your own. Months that you don’t have, especially when the cost will be lives you won’t spare. We’ll help remove the cockroach in return for the same agreement you gave Paez.”

I was going to tell him to fuck off when Shara squeezed my hand again. God fucking damn it. “It’s something to consider.”

“No,” Emmanuel said. “I want more.”

“Of course you do,” I scoffed. Men like him always wanted more just to prove their dick swung farther. “What do you want in return?”


Chapter Twenty-Nine


Marriage. God help us all.

My men stiffened behind me, and Shara felt like a statue at my side, but I didn’t move a muscle beyond casually slipping my left hand—and my wedding ring—beneath my thigh. How they hadn’t seen it, I wasn’t sure, but there was no way I was showing that card yet.

“Pretty sure marrying cousins went away with the monarchy. You’re handsome and all, but you’re not my type.”

Christian’s lips tipped into the smallest smile, while Adrian tossed his head back and laughed.

Emmanuel smirked. “Not your cousin, his second.”

Adrien’s mouth snapped closed, and Shara snarled under her breath. This time, I squeezed her hand. Trust me.

She squeezed back, but I could tell she wasn’t pleased. I wouldn’t be either if someone tried to marry off one of my men.

Oh, wait…

Pasting a smile on my face, I said, “While Adrien seems nice enough, I can’t accept.”

“Why the hell not?”

“I’m already married.” Lifting my hand into the air, I wiggled my ring finger.

“Who?” Emmanuel glared at the men behind me as if he could get rid of my husband by sheer will alone. I didn’t even have to look to know all three of them puffed up at the challenge.

“Doesn’t matter. The point is, I’m unavailable. And if they should die, I’ll take the black.”

Widows weren’t uncommon in mafia life, and it was a sign of great honor and respect for a woman to wear black during the grieving period. Custom dictated that most widows remarried, but the ones who took the black never remarried. Never moved on. They were committed to their husbands beyond the grave.

I’d always thought that if Lucia Ricci had lived a different life, she’d have taken the black for Dominic’s father.

I knew I would.

There would be no other loves for me if my men died. They were already more than a lifetime’s worth, and I would be content living out my days in remembrance of them.

Shara leaned in, resting her cheek against mine so she could whisper in my ear. “Let me do it.”

Fuck me sideways, it was like Aislynn all over again.
