Page 54 of Affliction

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“Patriot made his intentions for Cilla known months ago. Only a blind idiot couldn’t see the way things would turn out—the asshole just needed to get out of his own head. And now that he’s made a claim on her, she is club. She’s an ol’ lady, and you planned to kill her. To cut out the heart of a club brother.” He clicked his tongue and shook his head once again, and Patriot watched as the color completely leached from Jaime’s skin. “Stallion.”

Jaime’s brother stepped forward, a look of disappointment and resignation on his face.

“Prez,” he said, his voice flat.

“You’re her brother, and I believe I’m a fair man,” all the brothers in attendance nodded, “so you tell me how we should deal with her for what she’s done against the club.”

The air seemed to sizzle with coiled energy, the violence’s kinetic potential like a crimson wavelength that only those who’d stared death in the face could see. Silence filled the clearing, and Cilla shook in his arms, her breathing shallow now. She was waiting to see what punishment Stallion would request, and what would happen next. Death? Torture? Banishment? Each one of those grotesqueries was on the table…and he knew which one Stallion would choose. What a brother who loved his sister—no matter her sins—would choose.

“Banish her,” Stallion spoke into the silence, and Jaime’s angry shriek shattered the air.


Cilla curled into Patriot’s hard chest and stared at the comedy of errors playing out if front of her. It had to be a play, because there was no freaking way any of this was real. Jaime had plotted to get her hands on Patriot’s property kutte by making up a stalking, but that wasn’t enough for her, so she decided that Cilla had to die? And Sasha was in on it? No freaking way was this real.

But it was.

Patriot surrounded her, his warmth, strength, and protection like a blanket of security against the maelstrom bashing against her mind and heart.

Forget for a minute that Patriot was planning to claim her—if what Frost said was accurate—but, apparently, he’d been into her since the beginning.

He’d said as much to you before you slept with him…. And there was that voice, and it sounded awfully smug.

She, fat, ugly, Cilla St. James, was going to be the ol’ lady to the gorgeous, sexy as hell, badass as F-U-C-K Patriot of the Unchained MC…if she wanted to be.

Patriot seemed to think it was a foregone conclusion, but that wasn’t the case. Yeah, things that hadn’t made sense over the last several weeks were finally becoming clear, but that didn’t absolve Patriot of the things he’d done—and hadn’t done—to Cilla. He’d kept things from her, ghosted her for days, and left her to be ravaged by the club hyenas at Cool Hands. And she still remembered what those women had said that night of the party, the night that started the cascade of events that lead to this moment. She was just so…tired. But the night wasn’t near to over yet.

“You can’t banish me! I’m protected by the club; Stallion is my brother, and Patriot is my old man,” Jaime blabbered, sounding more unhinged by the moment.

With his body plastered to hers, Cilla actually felt Patriot snort.

“You are out of your goddamn mind if you think we’re anything but enemies. Actually, from this day on, you are nothing to me, Jaime Green. You took advantage of my guilt, my duty to your brother and the club, and you thought—wrongly—that I would just fall into your plan like a fool with a fat dick. Well, you were wrong, and all your plans and schemes have come to light. You are no longer Unchained, you are hereby stripped of all your rights under the club, you can no longer enter club property, our establishments, or have any contact with any brother or a family member of a club brother. That includes—your brother.” At that, Jaime lurched forward, trying to jerk from Horde’s hold, but the man held firm. He’d moved from Stephie’s side to Jaime’s in a flash—he moved fast for a guy his size.

“Brandon,” she cried, “you can’t let them banish me; we’re family. I’m your sister! You promised Mom that you’d take care of me!”

Pain filled Stallion’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced with resolve.

“You abused this club and the privileges you had because you were my blood sister. But you knew that you were held to the same rules as any member—no one betrays the club, no one targets the club, and no one hurts a woman under club protection. You, sister, committed these acts without remorse or fear of consequences. And therefore, you are banished. You no longer have a home in Pennsylvania.”

Shaking her head, Jaime muttered to herself, her hands shaking as she reached for her brother.

“You don’t mean that! What will I do? This is my home—I have a house and a job?—”

“And that’s where Red comes in,” Frost cut in. “Red.”

The man whose gaze made Cilla consider wearing x-ray vision proof armor stepped forward, an icy smirk on his face.

“Yeah, Prez?”

Frost tipped his chin at a quietly whimpering Jaime.

“Make sure her lease is broken, her boss gets an email about her sudden desire to travel the world, and that everything in her bank account disappears.”

Suddenly, Jaime wasn’t whimpering anymore, she was screaming once again.

Horde, for all his massive muscles, seemed to have difficulty keeping her from throwing herself at Frost.

“Will do, Prez, I’ll even throw in wiping all her social media accounts, too,” Red offered, chuckling menacingly.

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