Page 5 of Affliction

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“She said she would wait in your room,” Cluster replied, then wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“So you’re basically her errand boy, coming to summon me to my own chambers?” Patriot bit out, annoyed at the woman’s audacity.

Cluster blinked slowly, then replied, “Guess so. Don’t mind, though, wanted to grab another drink anyway.”

Pushing away from the bar, Patriot caught Locust’s attention. The Enforcer took one look at the expression on Patriot’s face and gave him a single chin lift. They silently communicated that Patriot was leaving the enforcer in charge of keeping the Bone Dogz from doing anything stupid.

Casting one last glance toward the bathrooms, and not seeing Cilla, he heaved a sigh of disappointment, and headed upstairs to where Jaime waited.


Somehow, he knew this wouldn’t be good.

The moment he entered his room, he noticed the woman reclining on his bed like she belonged there.

Gritting his teeth, he fought the urge to slam the door, closing it with only a little force.

Jaime glanced up from where she was fiddling with her cell, saw him, and smiled.

It was her seductress smile, the same smile he’d ignored, time and time again. It was the smile of a viper, one he’d been bitten by one time too many.

If he hadn’t been drunk…shit, he wouldn’t be in this mess.

It wouldn’t work this time, just like it hadn’t worked the other times, so what was her game? She would have to realize that the thing between them was never going to happen. Not only did he hate the surge of stomach twisting guilt every time he’d thought of her, but he also hated that he still hadn’t come clean to Stallion. He could only blame that first time on his drunkenness; she’d been there, he’d been dealing with dark thoughts that left him vulnerable, and he’d given in. It was almost like she knew when to strike, and he’d been lured in like a lamb to the slaughter.

It had been over three years since the first and last time he’d fucked Jaime, and it had been six months since he’d fucked any other woman. Neither his dick nor his heart had been interested. The moment he’d set eyes on Cilla was the moment his body wanted no one else.

It wasn’t a problem for him, though, because after years of indiscriminate one-night stands, club pussy, and shallow connections, he was damn tired.

And it wasn’t going unnoticed by the brothers…or the club women—both whores and hangarounds.

“What do you want?” he demanded without greeting.

She smirked, ignoring his brusqueness, and leaned forward, baring the tops of her breasts.

His dick didn’t give a fuck.

“What? No hello?” she purred.

He stared blankly, his ire rising. He didn’t want to be there, dealing with her shit, when he could be downstairs with Cilla.

“You summoned me like some fucking dog, so why don’t you tell me what I’m doing here so I can get back to the party,” he all but growled. It wasn’t the party he wanted to get back to, it was the lush brunette.

Pressing her painted lips together, Jaime sat up and swung her legs over the side of his bed to stand up. Slinking toward him, she went to put her hand on his chest, but he stepped back out of the way, scowling at her.

She stared, open-mouthed, then huffed in displeasure.

“Fine. I need your help,” she said. “There’s this guy…I met him when he came in to buy a car, we talked, he asked me out and….” Jaime was the receptionist at the posh Mercedes dealership in Clarks Summit, about thirty minutes away in a wealthier area of NEPA, so her meeting some khaki-wearing douche wasn’t a surprise. “He and I were a thing for a few weeks, and…well, when I went to end it with him, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Stiffening, he rasped, “He fucking hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No, it wasn’t like that…at least not yet.”

“Explain,” he barked, suddenly over the conversation, but the man who hated bullies couldn’t walk away.

“He said that he wasn’t done with me, that he would wait for me to come back to him.” Jaime’s shoulders drooped, an uncharacteristic move on her part. Jaime was never short on pride and girl cojones. Matter of fact, she was known for being ballsy, so for her to be tense and vulnerable, it meant she was in real trouble.

But…this was Jaime, a woman who never wasted a chance to try her wiles on him. He couldn’t trust her, not yet.

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