Page 34 of Affliction

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Yes, that bitch would.

Ugh and damn!

“Baby, I wish I could be there, because I miss the fuck out of you, but….”

“Club business,” she finished for him, suddenly hating those two words. She clamped her mouth shut around the question: Does this business involve Jaime, because he wouldn’t answer her, and she’d be left hearing what he didn’t say, and it would run in circles through her mind.

Hoo-boy, she was a mess.

He grunted, cursing under his breath. “Yeah, baby. Believe me, if I could be there with you, eating your food, then eating that sweet pussy, I would be. But something came up and it needs addressing. Once this is handled, we’ll spend a week enjoying each other, and that means naked, in my bed, sweaty and satisfied.”

Her body, not giving a shit about her self-deprecating thoughts, twitched to life, her core heating to scorching at the memory of his talented mouth on her clit, and that beard abrading the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, and his teeth, nibbling?—

“You there, baby?” he asked, wicked humor in his voice.

She snorted, rolling her eyes. Damn, the man was a smug bastard. But damn, did he earn the right to be a little arrogant about this oral skills.

“Yeah, I’m just sorry that you’re going to miss my homemade baked mac and cheese. I put cubed ham in it, for that extra savory factor.” It was a recipe she’d learned from Stephie’s mom, who’d made it a lot because it was cheap, and she could feed an army with one batch.

He groaned, that sound arrowed straight to her cooch. She squirmed on the hard plastic chair in the diner break room, wishing she was at home by herself where she could work out her sudden neediness with her newly purchased battery-operated boyfriend. It was the first time she’d bought one, which made actually shopping for one an eye-opening experience. Who knew there were so many different kinds of self-pleasure devices. Sizes, speeds, silicone or glass or rubber…. It was a mistake to use Google, that was for sure. It had taken her over three hours of searching and beating back a full body blush, but she’d finally bitten the bullet, and bought the simplest one she could find.

She just hoped it didn’t let her down, because Patriot set the bar for orgasms, and she was scared she’d only ever feel that good when he was the one giving them to her.

“Fuck, baby, that sounds delicious.” He cursed again, and it took her a moment to realize he was talking about food and not her vibrator. “Hey, darlin’, I got to go, but save some of the mac and cheese for me. I’m hoping to come by in the morning, and I wouldn’t mind eating you for breakfast, then having the mac and cheese for brunch.”

She squirmed again, ignoring Dana who’d glared into the break room at her on her way by to the employee bathroom further down the hall.

“Okay,” Cilla murmured. “I’ll see you in the morning?” God, she hoped so. Her body needed him to fulfill all those promises he was making.

He chuckled, as if reading her desperate thoughts.

“Be naked and wet for me, baby, because I’m not gonna have the will power to keep from getting inside you the moment I see you,” he rasped, his voice velvet steel and dirty sex.

Shouts in the background reminded Cilla that Patriot was with the club brothers, doing whatever it was that was keeping him from her.

“Right, I’ll see you in the morning, baby.”

He hung up before she could utter a response, or even think one up.

Staring at her cell phone as the screen darkened, and then went blank, Cilla once again wondered if she was making a mistake letting herself get all up in the feels with Patriot, a man who could have anyone he wanted, and probably had.

Was it safe to keep giving herself to him? Was it safe to allow her feelings for him to deepen, or should she pull back and let things remain casual—just really good sex for as long as he kept coming around? At least until he got tired of banging short and chubby, and realized he wanted tall, trim Barbie again.

That’s not fair, he hasn’t shown any signs of losing interest.

Then again, they’d only been…seeing each other for a week. There was still time for him to roll over in the morning, look at her in all her repugnant glory, and head straight for his bike without looking back. And it was only a boon for him that no one knew that he and Cilla were together.

Was this all a ploy? Was he screwing her in secret while he was waiting for Stallion to get back so he could claim Jaime instead?

That’s not fair to you. You deserve this, a voice, that sounded suspiciously like Stephie’s, admonished her, making her pout internally. Besides that, Patriot had made it pretty clear that he was into her, and that he wanted her as his ol’ lady. Would a man as honorable as he was lie about something so important?

Gah! She wanted to say no…but she hesitated. Old, ugly voices from her past rose up to drown out the sound of her heartbeat. The same voices that made her life so miserable, she’d nearly dropped out of school, wanting to leave everything behind. But Stephie hadn’t let her, and so she pushed on, suffering the slings and arrows, and bullying and the unearned hatred…and when she crossed the stage at graduation, she lifted a single finger to the audience, and then walked right out of the auditorium.

The next five hours of her shift at Millie’s passed like molasses in winter, and when Cilla finally clocked out, she nearly ignored her cell when it rang, not wanting anything or anyone to interrupt her evening of Netflix and a frozen Red Baron pepperoni pizza.

After the day she had, she wasn’t up to making mac and cheese, so Patriot would just have to fill up on her for breakfast and brunch.

She smiled, biting her lip at that thought.

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