Page 24 of Affliction

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And why was her traitorous heart leaping?


“What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded, ignoring the twinge in her back from carrying a tray all day. “How did you even get inside?”

Patriot didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare, his gaze moving from her face to where she was absently rubbing at her neck. The look of frustration morphed to one of concern, and he slowly rose to his feet, his body shifting like a lithe predator moving with a single purpose. How did someone as large as him move so quietly, so smoothly? He was like walking sensuality, breathing masculinity, the very heartbeat and soul of sexual fantasy. He was what God meant for man to be when He’d formed Adam from the hard rock and the gritty sand.

“You look exhausted,” he finally remarked, his voice whiskey and silk, as he stalked toward her. He reached out, grabbing her purse from her shoulder, and tossing it on the couch. “Sit down. Let me take care of you,” he demanded, grabbing her before she could even blink her eyes or close her mouth from the shock of his command.

Before she could think, she was on the couch, her legs on the coffee table, and her shoes thrown somewhere near the front door.

“What the hell?” she murmured to herself, still reeling from all that had happened in the last ninety seconds. She tried to rise from the couch, but he was suddenly there beside her, his massive hand on her thigh. She gasped, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

His forest green eyes were filled with anger, sparking with frustration.

“Why can’t you just sit and let me take care of you? I have pizza staying warm in the oven, and I can run you a bath so you can soak to help with those muscle aches. Then, we’ll eat and watch whatever girly shit you want to watch.”

She blinked at him, her gaze dropping to the wicked smirk on his lips.

Was he for real?

He’s supposed to be a Jaime’s….

Before she could think better of it, she snapped, “Don’t you have other plans tonight?”

He narrowed his eyes at her, tilting his head as if to humor her. But there was no humor in his expression.

“I texted you. I told you I’d be here tonight, so no, I have no plans to be anywhere else,“ he admitted, his tone clipped. “Why?”

She pressed her lips shut, suddenly unsure. She had heard Jaime say that Patriot was going to her place tonight…to give her a property kutte. But…he was right, he had texted her hours before Jaime and her posse had come into the diner.

Did that mean…Jaime was lying? Or was Patriot playing her….

Again, she shook off that idea. Yes, the man took being a wingman for Horde and Stephie a little too seriously, focusing on Cilla a little more than necessary for longer than necessary, but he’d done it because he as loyal. Loyalty and honor went hand in hand, especially to men who served their country.

Sighing, she met Patriot’s gaze.

“Jaime came into Millie’s today. She said that you would be at her place tonight….” She didn’t add the bit about the property kutte because she didn’t want to think about him and his upcoming claim on the bitchy blonde.

Patriot’s expression hardened, and immediately Cilla’s heart fell.

“You were supposed to do to her place?—”

He shook his head with one decisive movement, pinning her with sharp, hard eyes.

“No, baby. I am right where I want to be. Jaime…she’s a…well….”

Well what? she wanted to scream, but she kept her inner banshee at bay.

Patriot, tense, took one look at the expression on her face and sighed, rubbing at his face. The sound of his palm scratching against his beard made her lady parts hum. That sound…would that be what it sounded like when he rubbed his beard against the flesh of her inner thighs…right before his mouth?—

She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from groaning at that thought.

No! He is Jaime’s.

Even though he was obviously in her house…with her…looking upset about what Jaime said….

“Seriously, Patriot, what the hell is going on? Why are you here if you’re supposed to be there? Why are you still coming around now that Horde no longer needs a wingman?” God, now that she’d started, she couldn’t stop the flood. Months of emotions, fears, confusion, frustration, and finally anger rolled from her like a deluge—and Patriot didn’t have an ark.

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