Page 17 of Trick

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Before I can find my feet, he hits me again and I taste blood in my mouth. Pain blossoms through my cheek where he caught me, the skin feeling tight over the bone.

Fuck this… and fuck him.

I know I did a shitty thing, but it’s not him I need to appease. It’s Skye.

I shove him back before he lands another hit, slamming him into a table nearby. It topples over, taking a couple chairs with it. The two glasses on top of it smash into a million pieces as I take a swing at him. I catch his jaw hard enough to burn through my knuckles, but he’s either used to taking a punch or he’s so incensed that he doesn’t feel it.

Grabbing me by the front of my kutte, he pulls me against him, his eyes wild.

“You hurt my girl.”

“I know,” I agree, “and I’ll say sorry to her for the rest of my fucking life, but you don’t get that same fucking courtesy, Rage.”

“Your apology to her ain’t worth shit. You shouldn’t still be wearing the patch. You ain’t fuckin’ worthy of it.”

That verbal punch hurts far more than any of the actual hits he landed.

“Fuck you,” I snarl at him, my anger matching his as my failings are laid bare.

“Let him go!” Heidi’s voice penetrates through the fog of heightened emotions, and for a moment, fear stirs in the pit of my stomach.

I grab him by the front of his shirt in case he decides to lash out at her. That grip tightens when I see she’s standing with my daughter in her arms.

Sophia’s tears and wobbling bottom lip gore me. She’s probably just sensing the tension from Heidi, but seeing her cry fucks with my head.

“Ain’t gonna touch Heidi or your kid,” Rage snarls in my face. “I ain’t like you.”

“If you don’t let go of him right now, I’m going to knock your teeth out.” Her gaze is granite as she stares down Rage with zero fear, even though he’s a ball of fucking crazy.

Howler says the kid has gotten better at controlling his temper, but I don’t trust that. I don’t know this guy well enough to know what he’s capable of.

I tighten my grip on his shirt, the patches of his kutte mocking me.

Sophia cries, and I don’t know if it’s the sound of her sobs that breaks through or if it’s Heidi’s words, but Rage’s brows draw together before he releases his grip on me.

I do the same, holding my ground in case he swings at me again.

“Friday,” he mutters before storming off.

Heidi watches him go before weaving through the tables toward me, readjusting Sophia in her arms as she does. I wipe the blood off my lip, wincing at the pain radiating through my cheek.

“What’s happening on Friday?”

I’m not fucking telling her. She’s already willing to face down my brothers for this little love tap, and I don’t even want to imagine what she’d do if she found out the entire club is going to beat the shit out of me.

“Nothing. You okay?” I glance between her and my daughter before I wipe the tears off Sophia’s cheeks.

My adrenaline is pumping through my veins and that familiar blood lust surges inside me seeing my daughter so upset.

I almost go after Rage, wanting to rip his fucking head off, but all thoughts of violence shatter as Heidi hands me Sophia. I take my daughter awkwardly, the red mist lifting from my gaze.

“I need to clean you up.”

“I’m fine,” I mutter.

“You’re bleeding. Sit down.” Clutching my daughter, I take a seat at the nearest table while Heidi heads behind the bar. “Where is everyone? It’s almost nine.”

I didn’t realise it was that late, but a few brothers are usually here by this time—including Howler.

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