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He shrugged, which I found surprising. If the unit did have agents inside, his intention had to be to make us aware of it.

Nem leaned back in her chair. “Stop playing games and answer my question.”

“It may come as a surprise.”

“For God’s sake, Typhon, spit it out.” Nemesis was seething.


As stunned as I felt, it was apparent Nem was incredulous.

“For how long?” she asked.


“In what role?”

“Enforcer. By contract only.”

I knew very little about Unit 23 apart that assassination was their primary function.

“Convenient,” Nem commented.

“It’s served a purpose.”

“Where are you going with this, Typhon?” she asked.

“I’ll be spending some time in Tropea.”

I couldn’t speak for Tank or Blackjack since neither had said a word; however, I felt as though I was watching something take place I shouldn’t be privy to. I also knew better than to excuse myself.

“As with prior instances of overlapping missions, I will insist you brief me on every facet of whatever ops you’re planning,” said Nemesis.

“For now, it will consist of support only.”

Nemesis looked from him to me and back again. “Do you have reason to believe your involvement is necessary at this time?”

He nodded once, which only seemed to annoy her further. When she stood and shut her laptop—slammed it closed might be a better way to put it—the rest of us in the room stood as well.

“We’ll speak later,” Nem snapped on her way out. However, given she looked between Typhon and me, I was unsure which of us she was speaking to.

“Gentlemen, would you also please excuse us?” Typhon shut the door behind Tank and Blackjack, then locked it. “What Nemesis didn’t say before she left in a huff was that the deployment is set for two January.”

I nodded as I mentally counted the days between now and then. Eleven.

“You were anticipating it was imminent, weren’t you?” Typhon asked.

“I was.”

“The Sicilians will be wary, which is the reason I stepped in.”

I raised a brow. “You intend to be my entrée?”

“Ease it, at least. Not to mention, Tweedledee and Tweedledum will be of no help whatsoever. Why in God’s name Nem would send two Americans in with you is beyond me.”

I remembered him voicing his opinion of them last night. He’d also said I’d have “their” support, which I assumed meant agents from Unit 23—not Typhon himself. On the other hand, he couldn’t very well divulge something of that nature in front of Pen or Eliza.

“I have a question.”

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