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“We brought this up because we would not typically be in favor of involving a civilian in an investigation of this nature,” he added.

I raised a brow. “Someone like me, for example.”

“Well, yes, and that leads us to the reason we asked you to come inside. Kade and I would like to suggest you consider additional training to prepare you both for this type of assignment.”

“Training? I mean, I’m in complete agreement for me, but why Penelope?”

“What Merrigan means is it will be a requirement for either of you to go undercover, at least for K19. As for Pen, while it may seem as though attending the upcoming auctions will be without risk, I want to remind you what she, Tara, and Aine went through six years ago. Our intention is to prepare for the worst-case scenario, Brand. For both of you.”

Back before I had any inkling that Tara Emsworth was my half sister, she, Penelope, and Aine were kidnapped. The kidnappers had kept the women drugged and transported them from San Francisco to Seattle, where, after three days, they were rescued. I didn’t know about Aine or Penelope, but Tara still suffered nightmares from it as well as what she’d gone through in Italy because of me.

Before I went to prison, Tara, our father, and I were almost killed by the Calabrian Syndicate. The very people I planned to go up against in the second part of the plan Doc, Merrigan, and I hadn’t yet discussed in detail. It was either them or the Sicilians, and either way, I’d be putting my life on the line. I’d not allow Pen to do the same.

“You’re absolutely right. My apologies. I hadn’t fully considered the risks Penelope may face. I’m also aware I am unequipped to handle some of the situations I may find myself in.”

Doc cocked his head. “You’re better equipped than you think. If you weren’t, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

Considering he was not one to blow smoke up someone’s arse, as they say, I thanked him.

“Penelope has had self-defense training as well as hostage-survival skills. However, that was six years ago. At the very least, she needs a refresher as well as additional training in other areas.” said Merrigan.

“I’ve made arrangements for the two of you to meet with a buddy of mine who recently retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency in DC. His name is Alonzo Longabaugh, code name Sundance, and coincidentally, he has a place in Manhattan.”

Doc glanced at Merrigan, who was reading something on her mobile.

“Excellent,” she said under her breath. “We’ll also have support from Mallory Felice, code name Flick. She’s an expert on Italian organized crime who is currently employed by MI6. I’ll let her sort out how she wants to handle briefings and if she thinks it would be prudent for you and Penelope to travel to the UK.”

Travel to the UK? I could certainly be wherever Doc and Merrigan needed me, but I hadn’t considered whether Penelope had the same kind of flexibility. She was the managing partner of the gallery and would need to make arrangements for time away for the training they were recommending as well as when we attended the art auctions.

From the windows of the French doors that led out to the garden, I caught a glimpse of her and her four friends.

“See?” said Doc, motioning in the same direction. “All’s well again.”

While the women were hugging, laughing, and brushing away tears, the way Penelope’s shoulders drooped told me things were anything but “all well again.”

She turned then, her eyes seemingly meeting mine through the windowpane. Was she seeking me out? Could she even see me? I raised a hand to wave, knowing how foolish I’d appear if she didn’t wave back. But she did. And smiled.

“When are you planning to return to New York?” Merrigan asked.

“I booked a red-eye, although now, it hardly seems fair to make Pen leave.”

“I think they were all planning to after dinner,” said Doc. “Long gone are the days when they were single and didn’t have a care in the world.”

I wouldn’t contradict Doc, but he hadn’t been involved in Quinn’s life when she was younger. I hadn’t been around much longer than he had, but I knew enough from my conversations with Tara and what little time I’d spent with all of them together to understand there’d rarely been a time when they didn’t have a care in the world.

“Here they come,” said Merrigan, standing to open the doors I’d been peering through.

Penelope walked straight over to me.

“Hey,” I said in a quiet voice.

“Hey,” she sighed as much as said.

I longed to put my arm around her shoulders, pull her close, and kiss her temple. Wanting it didn’t mean I could. I’d been out of prison a few days, and as much as I’d fantasized about Penelope and me being together, that’s all it was for now—a fantasy.

“How’d it go?” I asked.

“As you’d expect. There’s no way they’ll let me bear the brunt of this, either financially or by taking the blame.”

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