Page 7 of Primal Claim

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"Please… " The human's voice was little more than a breathless whimper now, his struggles growing weaker as the reality of his situation set in. "Please don't hurt me, I'm a human—"

"I know."

The finality in Rael's voice cut the human off short. The human stared up at Rael, those big eyes wide in horror. They roamed over Rael, taking in his appearance: his golden skin, his sharp teeth, his horns.

"Oh, god," the human said, in a raspy whisper. "You're a Borraq."

Rael could smell the fear rolling off his captive in waves, the acrid tang of adrenaline and the sweet, cloying undertone of something else… something that made Rael's mouth water in a purely physical reaction.

Humans smelled… good. It was something that the warriors at the front had to guard themselves against, lest the human scents get under their skins.

Rael's jaw clenched. This was the scent tha every Borraq warrior spread rumors and warnings about, the one that made humans so maddeningly, dangerously alluring to his kind.

Everyone knew the stories, the whispers about how a human could make a Borraq lose control.

Rael had always dismissed such tales as mere exaggeration, superstitious ramblings meant to instill fear and mistrust of their sworn enemies. Surely no scent, no matter how pleasant, could override a Borraq's rigid self-control and discipline. They were warriors, not mindless beasts ruled by base urges.

Rael wasn't wrong often. Now, though…

Now, Rael truly understood the whispers.

It was the scent of a lover, the scent of rich food and warm hearth, of something primal that went straight down to his bones. There were hints of something crisp and citrusy, like the tart burst of flavor from a ripe zahfruit. But then that bright note would give way to something deeper, richer… almost like the heady aroma of vadlian spirits, capable of intoxicating with even the faintest whiff.

And beneath it all was an undercurrent of musk, one that spoke of something primal. It was the scent of desire, a siren's call that got under his skin.

Rael's free hand clenched into a white-knuckled fist as he fought to maintain control, his every muscle tensed against the rising tide of want that threatened to overwhelm him. This was madness – he was Borraq, an alpha who had faced down countless foes without so much as flinching.

And yet here he was, caught by the mere scent of a single, pathetic human.

Humans smelled like something you had to have.

Humans smelled tasty.

Rael had heard of the rumors that the humans shared about his kind. They believed that Borraq were worse than savages — humans believed that Borraq would eat them.

And now that Rael had finally caught a human's scent for the first time, he couldn't blame them for the idea.

The human seemed to sense it too, his eyes widening even further as he let out a choked sound of mingled fear and revulsion. "The rumors… they're true, aren't they? You… you savages!"

A sneer twisted Rael's lips at the insult, but he remained silent, impassive. Let the human believe what he would. It would make no difference. The only thing that mattered now was the substantial bounty this capture would bring, the future it would secure for Rael's clan.

"F-fight me, you coward!" The human's words held more bravado than conviction as he resumed his fruitless struggles. "If you're gonna eat me… then at least look me in the eye!"

Eat him? This human was worth more alive than he was as a meal. Rael merely tightened his grip in response, his powerful forearm pressing down on the human's slender throat just enough to make breathing difficult. He could feel the fragile bones, so delicate compared to a Borraq's dense physiology, and he marveled at how easily he could snap them if he wished.

But no, that would defeat his purpose here. The human was to be captured, not killed – at least, not until the bounty had been collected.

Rael would take this human to the nearest outpost, and he'd collect the bounty that he needed.

What happened after that… Well, the higher-ups would do whatever they did with enemies captured behind enemy lines. Rael tried not to dwell on the dark whispers of the military cells, the stories that made even seasoned warriors shudder.

With one final, efficient motion, the alpha warrior swept the human up into his arms. "Hey! Put me down!"

He would do no such thing. As the slender body struggled against him, Rael couldn't resist allowing his gaze to linger for just a moment, tracing the planes and angles that made up this strange, alluring creature.

Then, shaking off the momentary distraction, he tied the human's wrists and ankles, and hauled his prize over one powerful shoulder. His quarry secured, he set off into the rapidly falling night.

The first phase of his hunt was complete – he had his bounty.

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