Page 50 of Primal Claim

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A breathless laugh tumbled from Elian's lips. "Somebody's eager," he murmured, giving the rigid lengths a teasing stroke through the cloth.

Rael released a low, rumbling growl that reverberated through Elian's very core. "Any healthy Borraq male would be, after weeks apart from their mate," he rasped, leaning in to nip at the sensitive column of Elian's throat. "Especially when said mate smells as intoxicating as you."

That was a lie. Elian was diligent in applying his pheromone-blocking salve every day, so as to keep the peace with his new family — not that anyone would ever be bold enough or stupid enough to show interest in their alpha's claimed mate.

Still, Elian shivered at the words, his fingers moving faster. "Poor thing," he grinned. "All pent up with no release."

The derisive snort Rael loosed ruffled the damp curls at Elian's temple. "You underestimate a Borraq's restraint, little mate."

Despite the chiding words, there was no heat behind them, only a banked intensity that made Elian's pulse thunder in his ears. He tugged down Rael's pants and gave the twin lengths a firm stroke, reveling in the way Rael's hips canted into his touch with a harsh exhalation.

"Restraint, hm?" Elian arched a challenging brow, his lips quirking into a sly grin. "Doesn't seem like you've got much of that left right now."

"You're a menace," Rael rasped against the hollow of Elian's throat, the words a husky rasp edged with fondness.

Elian hummed in agreement, arching into the scorching drag of Rael's mouth and hands. "A menace you happen to adore."

The sharp nip to the juncture of his neck and shoulder drew a sharp gasp from Elian's lips. "Careful, little mate," Rael purred, his voice a sinful rumble against Elian's flushed skin. "Don't get too bold, lest I be forced to remind you of your place."

A delicious shiver raced down Elian's spine at the dark promise in those words. He hooked a leg over Rael's powerful thigh, using the leverage to grind their arousals together in a slow, filthy roll of his hips. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

Rael growled low in his throat, hips surging forward to chase the delicious friction. It was the work of a moment to strip both of them bare, then his fingers dug almost bruisingly into the soft flesh of Elian's thighs, holding him in place as their bodies rocked together in a primal, heated rhythm.

Pleasure zinged along Elian's nerves with each languid roll of their hips. He drank in the sight of his mate, head thrown back in abandon, muscles rippling beneath golden skin that glistened with a fine sheen of sweat. Rael was glorious like this, his usual stoic demeanor shattered, lost to the storm of desire that bound them together.

Elian's breath escaped in ragged pants as their movements grew more frantic, more desperate. He could feel the precipice looming ever closer, that razor's edge of blissful oblivion calling to him with each electrifying brush of their arousals.

"What do you need, my mate?" The endearment rolled off Rael's lips like a sacred invocation. "Tell me, and it shall be yours."

Elian's throat went dry as he met Rael's burning gaze. His heart thundered in his chest, every nerve ending alight with a heady mix of desire and trepidation.

"Mate me," he rasped. "Slowly. After being apart for so long, I want to feel every inch of you claiming me again."

The phrase worked its magic. A low, possessive growl rumbled from Rael's broad chest. In one fluid motion, he captured Elian's lips in a searing kiss, all teeth and tongue and scorching need. "Your wish is my command."

True to his word, Rael worshipped Elian's body with an almost reverent slowness. Calloused palms mapped the planes and valleys of flushed skin, each caress stoking the flames of Elian's arousal higher. Clever fingers danced over sensitive spots, drawing breathy gasps and needy whimpers from Elian's lips.

"So responsive for me," Rael purred, nipping at the juncture of Elian's neck and shoulder. "You've no idea how I've ached for this while I was away. Longed to feel you trembling and writhing beneath me once more."

Elian keened softly as Rael's questing hands drifted lower, teasing at the crease of his thigh. He arched into the scorching trail of open-mouthed kisses Rael blazed down the center of his chest.

"Tell me, little mate," Rael rasped. "Did you ache for me as I did for you? Did you lie awake at night, body thrumming with unfulfilled need?"

A full-body shudder racked Elian at the dark timbre of Rael's words. He threaded desperate fingers through the thick tresses at his mate's nape, wordless pleas spilling from his lips.

Rael hummed, the sound a low, indulgent rumble. "I'll take that as a yes." He punctuated the words with a sharp nip to Elian's throat, smirking at the breathless keen it drew forth.

Elian was rapidly unraveling under the onslaught of Rael's skilled hands and wicked mouth. Every nerve ending sang with exquisite torment, the delicious drag of pleasure and denial binding him in rapturous limbo.

Just when he thought he could bear no more, Rael shifted, powerful muscles rippling beneath golden skin as he settled between Elian's thighs. The first brush of one of Rael's dual lengths against Elian's entrance, blunt and full of promise, made him gasp.

"Look at you," Rael rasped, drinking in the sight of his mate, flushed and trembling with want. "You're already wrecked, and I've scarcely begun to take you apart."

Elian whined high in his throat, hips bucking in a desperate bid for friction, for release. Rael's broad palm splayed over the jut of his hip, stilling the frantic motion as he tsked softly.

"Patience, my mate. I intend to savor every breathless cry, every needy whimper." His smoldering gaze raked over Elian in a molten caress. "You'll be utterly undone by the time I'm through with you."

Elian's breath escaped in ragged pants, his body thrumming with exquisite torment. Rael's words kindled an inferno of need low in his belly, leaving him utterly at his mate's mercy.

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