Page 48 of Primal Claim

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But he'd succeeded, and now here he was, a valued member of Rael's clan.

Well, according to most of them. Rael's second in command had not been as easy to win over. Taryn was Rael's right-hand man, a key figure in the village… but Elian had never even laid eyes on him. The man refused to be around him. Taryn would not so much as even look at Elian.

Elian's stomach sank. Rael had assured him that Taryn would come around in time, but Elian hated being the source of friction between Rael and any of his people.

A call from below broke Elian from his brooding. Elian leaned over the edge of the platform. The sunlight was hot on his skin, and he wiped sweat from his brow. "What is it, Korr?" he called.

The cook looked up at him from the courtyard below, shielding his eyes from the sun. "Will you be needing a break soon, human? I've prepared a meal that won't turn your stomach."

Elian hid a smile. Rael's people had come a long way from their initial skepticism about hosting a human. They'd quickly learned that humans had different needs from the Borraq — and different tastes. The first meal that the cooks had proudly presented to Elian had been a trial for them both. The thick, rare meat had been delicious, but the accompanying thick, sour milk had nearly sent Elian running for the hills.

After that, the cooks had grudgingly added their attempts at human-friendly dishes to their menu. And after Elian had attempted to cook a few recipes himself, they'd shooed him out of the kitchens and tackled the challenge themselves. Now the kitchen could produce meals that satisfied both human and Borraq palates, and the cooks were fiercely proud of their cosmopolitan taste.

Elian leaned over the edge of the platform. "I'll take you up on that offer, but not just yet. I've got a delicate piece of machinery in my hands right now, and I don't want to juggle it with food."

Korr nodded, satisfied. "As you say. Come down when you're ready."

Elian got back to work, a smile playing at his lips. Life among the Borraq was never dull, that was for sure. But despite the occasional headaches — both metaphorical and literal, after he'd tried some of their spicier ingredients — Elian had never been happier.

He had a place among the stars, and a clan at his back. There was nothing else he could ask for.

Well, almost nothing…

But he didn't have the time to think about that. Worrak had no qualms about climbing up onto the platform, looming over Elian. "What are you doing today, human?" he called.

Despite the way that Worrak towered over him, he was, Elian had been told, still quite young. If Elian saw past the horns and the sharp teeth, Worrak reminded Elian of some of the young teenage boys that hung around space stations, trying to act cool in front of the actual soldiers.

No wonder Rael had wanted to heal him so badly. It was hard not to find the young warrior endearing, like a big puppy.

"Same thing I do every day, Worrak. Trying to fix your toys."

Worrak's deep voice was filled with all the outrage he could muster. "Those 'toys' may be the difference between life and death in battle!"

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I fixed this one — you can get those radio shows of yours, now."

Worrak broke into a bright smile. "Good. I do not want to miss what happens next."

Elian felt a surge of smug satisfaction as he chatted away with Worrak about the radio. The young warrior had made a full recovery. Thanks to Rael, he was back on his feet and as boisterous as ever.

The fee for the gene treatment had been costly — but it wasn't like Korvax was going to be using his blade any more. Rael had wasted no time in trading it in. Apparently a clan blade was serious business.

A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corner of Elian's mouth. It's what you deserved, you jerk.

Worrak was oblivious to Elian's smugness. "If you're done fixing it, you've got time for a sparring session."

Elian snorted softly, already knowing where this was headed. "Not again. You know you'll wipe the floor with me, right?"

"Until you learn!" Worrak shot back with a toothy grin. "Come and let me show you. I will make you stronger!"

Elian knew better than to take the bait. Sparring with a Borraq warrior, even a relatively young one like Worrak, was a sure-fire way to end up in pain. He had learned that lesson the hard way early on.

"Maybe later," he said kindly, turning his attention back to the delicate machinery in front of him. "I've got work to do."

Worrak made a rude noise, but there was no real heat behind it. "Suit yourself. But don't come crying to me when your soft human body gets out of shape from all that sitting around."

Elian simply shook his head, amused by the jibe. As Worrak wandered off in search of another target to spar with, Elian couldn't help but feel a swell of contentment. This was his life now — a valued member of Rael's clan, with a purpose and a sense of belonging that had eluded him for so long on Earth.

And it was all thanks to Rael's unwavering courage and the strength of his convictions. Elian owed the powerful Borraq warrior everything, a debt that could never be fully repaid.

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