Page 28 of Primal Claim

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Rael grunted, not trusting himself to speak. The tension between them was palpable, a living thing that seemed to grow with each passing moment. He could feel Elian's eyes on him, the weight of the human's gaze like a physical touch.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not the worst thing that's ever happened to me," Elian continued with a wry smile, seemingly oblivious to Rael's inner turmoil. "At least the company's good."

Rael's eyes snapped to Elian's, the human's words hitting him like a physical touch. Did Elian really mean that? Or was he just trying to defuse the tension between them?

"You're not so bad yourself," Rael found himself saying, the words slipping out before he could stop them. "For a human, I mean."

Elian's smile was blinding, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "I'll take that as a compliment," he said, his voice warm.

They continued to speak back and forth, the conversation flowing easily despite the unspoken attraction between them. Rael found himself enjoying the human's quick wit and easy charm, even as he fought to keep his own feelings in check.

But soon, it was time for them to sleep. Rael approached Elian with the bonds he used to tie the human every night.

Elian's face fell, his eyes dimming with disappointment. "Do you really need to keep tying me up every night?"

Rael set his jaw, hating the necessity of it. "It's for your own safety. The wilderness is too dangerous. If you were to try to escape, beasts would snap you up in an instant."

He bound Elian's hands in front of him, the action almost automatic at this point. "It's just more sensible this way," he said, trying to convince himself as much as Elian.

Elian looked up at him, his eyes searching. "Don't you trust me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Rael's heart clenched at the question, his instincts roaring at him to take the human in his arms and never let go. But he couldn't. He wouldn't.

"You shouldn't trust me," he said instead, his voice harsh. "If you were a sensible creature, you'd be trying to get as far away from me as possible."

Elian shook his head, his expression stubborn. "Believe me, growing up where I did… You're the most honorable person I've met," he said, his voice firm. "I know you won't hurt me."

Rael felt a surge of frustration at the human's words, even as a part of him thrilled at the trust Elian placed in him. Didn't the human understand the danger he was in? Didn't he realize what Rael was capable of?

But at the same time, Rael couldn't help but feel pleased at Elian's words. The human trusted him, despite everything. Despite the fact that Rael was his captor, despite the fact that Rael was supposed to be his enemy…

Under the dim light of the fire, Rael and Elian looked at each other. The tension between them was a palpable thing, hot and heavy in the air.

Desire warred with caution in Elian's eyes. He took a step forward, closing the gap between them.

Rael's heart pounded. He knew what was coming, knew that he should stop it — but he couldn't bring himself to move, to put any distance between them.

"Stop," he warned, his voice hoarse.

But Elian didn't stop. He kept leaning forward, right up to Rael. In the firelight, Rael could see the determination in Elian's eyes, the way his gaze flicked down to Rael's lips and back up again.

Elian got closer and closer, until there were just a few inches between them. The heat of his body was a palpable thing, a promise.

Rael's heart thundered in his chest, a storm within him. He was an alpha, a Borraq warrior, a man who never had trouble asserting himself or getting what he wanted.

But in that moment, he was utterly at the mercy of the human standing in front of him.

Elian smelled so good, a heady mix of desire and something sweet, something that teased at the edges of Rael's senses. The human wanted him.

And Rael wanted him, too. He wanted him more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life.

With a growl, Rael slid his hand into Elian's hair, gripping those blond curls. He didn't pull — not yet. It was a possessive hold, a warning, a promise of what would come if Elian dared to step into the dangerous world that he was playing with.

"You don't know what you're asking for," Rael warned, his voice thick with desire. "I'm not a gentle lover. I'll take you and I'll mark you, and you'll be mine."

Elian's breath came out in a shuddering gasp. "I survived a spaceship crash. Do your worst."

It was a heady thing, to be desired so much that a man was willing to play with fire, to step right up to a dangerous predator and invite him to give in to his most primal instincts.

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