Page 21 of Primal Claim

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And clearly Korvax had decided which one was easier for him to collect.

Rael snarled. "It makes sense now. The military representative being called away, the offer of lodging…"

Korvax's scarred face brightened, taking that as praise of his smarts. "One quick bribe to ensure that he was called away before you could get to him, and then another to get your little fishie where I wanted him."

Korvax's smile remained in place, but something in his gaze darkened. "Or, that was the plan, at least, until you wasted my bribe. Why not take the offer of lodging, and leave that human somewhere nice and easy for me to collect? Pfah. That receptionist won't give refunds, you know."

Elian stepped behind Rael, eyes wide. "Stay out of my business," Rael snarled back. "This one's mine."

"Is that so…?" Korvax shifted his weight from foot to foot, acting bored and idle. "It's a long trip to Yattara. Those are some dangerous roads. Anything could happen along the way. Let's work together and split the bounty."

Anyone who was foolish enough to take Korvax up on an offer like that would soon wind up dead in a ditch. Rael squared up. "I'll split your head from your shoulders. Leave."

"Nothing wrong with working together." Korvax cocked his head, trying to peer around Rael's body to get a better look at Elian. He grinned. "Or maybe you want the human for more than the bounty—"

Rael lunged for him.

The two Borraqs fought fiercely, hitting the ground. For a moment, it could have been any two beasts in the wilderness, fighting for dominance. There was no law, no society, no morality — just two predators, each trying to prove that he was the stronger one.

Rael swiped his blade at Korvax, but the other Borraq was fast. He narrowly twisted out of the way, only copping a scratch across his cheek. Blood welled up from the wound, but Korvax only grinned wider. "That's the spirit!" he said, his voice filled with the same sort of encouragement that he might offer at a friendly game of cards, as if he and Rael weren't currently tearing each other apart.

Korvax lunged for Rael, but Rael was faster. With a swift movement, he brought his knee up into Korvax's gut, winding the other man.

Korvax was a beast, but he was a lean lone wolf up against an alpha in his prime. He was lighter than Rael, and his reflexes were a little slower. Just a little, but it was enough. He roared in frustration as Rael pinned him to the ground, his blade at Korvax's throat.

"Stay out of this," Rael growled. "The human is under my protection."

Korvax's eyes flicked over to Elian — now huddled by a tree, far from the scrap, but watching intently.

Elian could have taken the chance to run. Entangled with Korvax as Rael was, Elian would have had quite a head start.

But he hadn't. He'd waited, eyes fixed on Rael as Rael fought for him.

Something inside of Rael blazed like a sun at that.

Korvax's grin widened. "Your protection, eh? I've never seen someone get so possessive over a bounty before. What's the matter, alpha? Is there something special about this one?"

Rael's snarl was low and dangerous. "If I see your face again, I'll kill you."

Surprisingly, Korvax's grin didn't waver. "Interesting," he said, and then he laughed.

Rael hauled them both up from the ground, and threw Korvax away from him. Korvax staggered to his feet and leapt away, putting distance between the two of you. "It's always a pleasure running into you, Rael. Do try to stay alive until I see you again."

And with that, he was gone, disappearing into the foliage as if he hadn't just narrowly avoided being killed.

Rael sat there for a moment, breathing hard. He'd won the fight. That was the important thing. He'd protected Elian from being kidnapped right in front of his eyes. That was the important thing.

But despite the victory, a cold sweat broke out on the back of his neck. Korvax was never this bold. He was a lone wolf, a carrion-eater. He never showed himself to alpha warriors, never dared to interfere boldly with hunts.

For him to openly declare his intentions like this… It meant that he was absolutely certain that he could take Elian away from Rael.

Rael's eyes flicked over to where Elian was watching from behind the tree, face pale and trembling in fear. The human was in danger. He was being hunted by the worst scum of the Borraq, and he couldn't do anything about it. He was completely defenseless.

Rael couldn't let himself think about that. He couldn't let himself think about anything other than the huge sum of money that was going to be his, once he turned Elian in…

But despite himself, Rael's gaze softened. Before Rael could think twice about the action, he reached out and gathered the human into his arms.

Elian was small and slender, his body fragile in Rael's hold. He was warm and soft, a sharp contrast to the hard, muscular bodies that Rael was used to. The human trembled in Rael's embrace, and Rael realized that he was shaking with fear.

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