Page 10 of Primal Claim

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"Silence," Rael said.

Elian's mouth snapped shut. He stared at the alien, wide-eyed and trembling.

Despite the chill of the night, a bead of sweat ran down Elian's back. His heart hammered in his chest. Despite the fear, despite the very real danger he was in, something in him bristled at being treated like this. He was a human being, damn it, not a creature to be cowed!

"G-go on," he stammered. "If you're going to kill me, then just get it over with!"

For a moment, Rael said nothing. His piercing gaze bored into Elian, as if he could see right through to the core of him.

And then, to Elian's shock, Rael's lips curled into a smile. "Humans are foolish creatures."

Elian's heart was still pounding with fear, but despite himself, he couldn't help but be curious about the alien in front of him. "Do Borraq eat humans?"


"That's not a no."

Rael arched an eyebrow. "It's not a yes, either. You're a skinny, fragile creature. Why would I bother eating you, when there are so many other, better game beasts out there?"

It was the most that Elian had heard Rael say so far. Elian's cheeks flushed. "You're teasing me."

Rael turned away from him, reaching into a pouch at his side. He pulled out a wrapped stack of thin, wafer-like objects. He broke one in half and offered it to Elian.

Elian eyed the proffered food warily. "What is it?"

Rael's expression was inscrutable in the flickering light of the fire. "It's sustenance. Eat it or don't, I care not."

As Elian watched warily, Rael began to eat his portion. Not poisonous, then. When he offered the other to Elian, Elian leaned forward and took it from Rael's hand.

It was salty and a little dry. But right now, it was the best thing he'd ever eaten.

He choked it down, his throat working to swallow the mouthful, and accepted the drink of water that Rael offered to wash it down.

Then, Rael tensed, staring at Elian's body. Elian froze mid-chew. "W-what?"

Those alien eyes seemed to bore straight through him. The scrutiny made his skin prickle with unease, and he fought the urge to squirm under the weight of that stare.

Rael's brow furrowed. Before Elian could react, the alien reached out, his powerful fingers grasping the tattered remains of Elian's shirt. With a sharp tug, the collar tore, exposing Elian's chest— and the angry red burn that marred his skin.

Elian gasped, instinctively trying to hunch inwards to cover himself, but Rael's grip was like iron. Whatever he wanted, there was no getting away from him.

But Rael made no move to harm Elian. "You're hurt."

"It's from when the ship went down… It's just a burn."

Rael narrowed his eyes at Elian, assessing the wound. Then he produced a small container from one of the pouches at his side, unscrewing the lid to reveal a thick, viscous salve within. Dipping his fingers into the ointment, he began to spread it across Elian's burn.

Elian hissed at the initial sting, his muscles tensing, but then… Relief. Cool, soothing relief. The fiery burn that had plagued him since the crash melted away, leaving only a pleasant tingling in its wake.

Despite himself, despite the fear that still gripped his heart, Elian found his eyes fluttering closed as Rael's fingers worked the salve into his skin. The touch was unexpectedly gentle, almost… Intimate.

Then, all too soon, he was done. "Rest," Rael commanded, gesturing to the bedroll. "I'll keep watch. If you attempt to escape, you won't like the consequences."

His kidnapper had given him food and water, and now, he was treating his wounds and offering him a place to sleep.

Elian's head spun with the whiplash of it all. One moment, he was sure that the alien was a monster. The next, he wasn't so sure.

Here he was, at the mercy of an alien. And that alien was currently tending to his needs, showing him an unexpected glimpse of decency underneath his terrifying exterior.

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