Page 29 of Hard Knox

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Eliza reached out, her hand clamping down on mine. “Thank you, Knox. For everything.”

As we hunkered down, the day’s weight pressing heavy on our shoulders, I knew clear as day what my job was now. Protect Eliza, dig out the truth, and maybe, just maybe, find a way to let her into the most secretive parts of my history without scaring her off.

The night stretched on. The silence swelling between us, thick with all the words we ain’t yet said. Finally, I broke it, knowing damn well if I wanted to keep Eliza’s trust, I had to spill about the parts of me I’d kept under wraps.

“Eliza,” I started, my voice gravelly with the weight of what I was about to unload. “There are parts of my past, of who I was… who I had to be, that you might not get. Things that might not sit right with you. That might scare you off yet.”

She looked at me, steady but cautious, signaling me to go on.

“In my time as an outlaw biker, I’ve done things… things necessary to stand by my brothers, to keep our way of life secure. I’ve thrown punches, gone toe-to-toe with rival gangs… even played some dirty to keep us on top. It wasn’t always pretty, and damn sure it wasn’t always within the law.”

Her eyes stayed locked on mine, taking in every word, weighing them against the man she’d come to know.

“I had no choice, Eliza,” I continued, shaking my head. “It was all about survival, about keeping the people I love safe. Anything shady I do now, it’s for the club. They’re my family.” I took a deep breath, letting the truth of it settle. “But you and Emma, you’re becoming part of that circle I protect. You need to know all this.”

Eliza was quiet for a long stretch, her face a mask I couldn’t read. Then, softly, she asked, “Knox, is there more? More that could come back to bite you… or us?” She touched her shoulder. “And why the hell did you bite me last night?”

I hesitated, caught between wanting the relief of laying it all bare and the fear of telling too much.

“There’s always more to any story, Eliza. Stuff I can’t share. But I swear, nothing that’s a threat to what I feel for you, or what I’d do to keep you and Emma safe. As for marking you, biting you like I did…” I struggled to find the right words. “The club, we do it as a sign, to let everyone know to stay away from what’s ours. Believe me, I didn’t want to hurt you, especially after what you’ve been through, but I follow our code.”

She nodded slowly, processing my words, the depth of my loyalty to those I care about clear as day. Yet, as I watched her, I could see the war raging inside her, the battle between understanding and fear.

“Next time you’re at the club, you need to show off that mark. It means something in my world. And I don’t want you goin’ home tonight,” slipped out before I could think twice. The idea of her alone, maybe in the crosshairs ‘cause of her ties to me, clenching my gut tight.

“I gotta pick up Emma,” she shot back, all practical like, but I could catch the hesitation in her tone too.

“Then bring her here. Stay with me ‘til we catch this bastard. It’s safer for you both,” I pushed, my worry for their safety takin’ the driver’s seat.

Eliza gnawed on her lip, thinkin’ it over. “I’m scared, Knox. Not just of this killer, but what folks’ll say, you know? With all the mess around Mark…”

Reaching out, I wrapped her hands in mine, tryin’ to anchor her. “Let ‘em talk, Eliza. I don’t give a fuck. We know the real score between us. I’ll keep you both safe—you got my word on that. Right now, it’s ‘bout keepin’ you and Emma outta harm’s way. Fuck everything else.”

She eyed me, all kinds of worries playin’ across her face before settling into a kind of determined calm. “Okay, Knox. We’ll stay… for now.” Her voice held steady, but her eyes were heavy with unspoken fears, the weight of all we didn’t know yet.

Hearing her agree, a wave of relief hit hard. A need to protect her washed over me, stronger than ever before. Eliza and Emma, they were my main concern now. I’d do whatever it took to shield them, to keep the shadows of my past from ever dimming the light they brought into my life.

Chapter 15


The decision to tell Grandma that Emma and I would be staying with Knox for a while was harder than I anticipated. Her house had always been a place of safety and warmth for Emma, a refuge from the chaos of the world outside. When I told her of our plans, her reaction was swift and filled with concern.

“Stay with Knox? At that biker clubhouse? Eliza, that’s outrageous,” she said sharply, her eyes open wide with disbelief.

“He’s offering protection, Grandma.” I attempted to explain, hoping she’d see the necessity of it. “He has another house. It’s safe there.”

After a tense discussion, Grandma insisted on a compromise. “Let Emma continue to stay with me for a little while. She shouldn’t be in that environment, not with all that’s going on. It’s better if she stays here and goes to school like normal.”

I knew she was right. The last thing I wanted was for Emma to be caught up in any potential danger or even the harsh whispers of gossip. Reluctantly, I agreed, feeling the burden of her safety lift slightly, even as my own heart ached to keep her close.

“Thank you, Grandma. It’s just this week. Surely, the police will get to the bottom of this all soon. I’ll come as often as I can,” I promised, hugging her tight, grateful for her support despite her worries.

Later, as Knox and I delved deeper into our investigation at the clubhouse, I found an unexpected comfort in the rhythm of our days. We spent hours pouring over leads, discussing possibilities, and slowly, the closeness that had begun to form between us before the chaos rekindled. There were moments, small and intimate, where Knox would reach over to squeeze my hand, or when we’d share a quick, supportive hug. Each touch seemed to say what words couldn’t. That we weren’t alone in this.

One evening, Knox introduced me to more members of the Royal Bastards MC during one of their community meetings. The clubhouse was bustling with activity, with so many bikers and their families, but not the kind I had imagined. There were plans for a charity ride and discussions about a community cleanup. It was all so… normal, and I felt a ripple of surprise at how organized and focused everyone was.

“This is Eliza,” Knox introduced me to a group of his club brothers and sisters that I’ve never seen before. “She’s helping me with… a personal matter.”

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