Page 9 of Malone's Fate

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“Misbehavin’,” he told her as he swiped the card and opened the door.

“Hmm, maybe I’ll have to misbehave more often.”

“I’ll spank you any time you want, darlin’. You just have to ask. But if you earn yourself a punishment, you’re not gonna enjoy the consequences.” He threw her carefully on the bed as she gaped up at him.

Too much?

Was she going to tell him to get lost?

Fuck. He wasn’t scaring her, was he? She hadn’t told him any more details of what had happened to her yet. But he was conscious of the need to be careful around her.

The more time they spent together, the more relaxed she grew. But he didn’t want to take any chances.

They’d spent the last couple of nights together at the bar where she worked. Raid had been giving him shit about it. Today, he’d had enough and punched him in the nose. Now the bastard was walking around with a swollen nose and a scowl.

Thank fuck, the hotel had a free room tonight. The last thing he wanted to do was take her back to the horse trailer. Sure, it had a couple of beds, a small kitchen and a bathroom.

But it wasn’t the sort of place you wanted to take a woman back to. Plus, Raid was there. That bastard likely wouldn’t give them any privacy.

And Tanner didn’t share. Ever.

If a woman was with him . . . then she was his. Not that he yucked on anyone else’s yum. Plenty of people back home shared. Including two of his brothers.

Scarlett should be given a medal for putting up with Beau and Maddox.

Just as he was thinking of apologizing, Lilac rolled off the bed, grinning at him. “You’d have to catch me first.”

Excitement filled him.

Now, this he could get into.

“That so, pretty girl?” he drawled as he undid the buttons on his shirt. Her gaze was caught by his actions, and he saw the lust there. The need.

Tanner knew it was likely reflected in his own gaze.


“Feeling brave?”

“Pfft. I got skills.” She folded her arms under her breasts.

“Oh, yeah?” he teased. “What are those?”

“You look like you don’t believe me. You don’t know . . . I might be a secret ninja.”

“Hmm, I’d like to see you in something black and tight.”

She blushed. “Tanner!”

“Do ninjas blush?” he asked.

“Maybe I’m an undercover police officer.”

“Yeah? You here to arrest me, baby?”

“Could be.”

“Did you bring your handcuffs?” He slid off his jeans. Her gaze flickered down again. Was there a hint of nervousness there?

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