Page 80 of Malone's Fate

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Tanner didn’t like this.

The guesthouse was all right, but there were only two bedrooms and it looked like someone was having to sleep on the sofa.

And he was pretty certain he knew who that person was.

His girl was far too self-sacrificing for his peace of mind.

She’d totally believed that shit that Linc had said to her. Which reminded him, he owed that bastard a black eye. He’d wait until Ryleigh was feeling better.

He was just nice that way.

People failed to see that he was nicest Malone brother.

It was baffling how they missed it.

Lilac was in one bedroom, getting Kye settled while Opal made him a bottle. As soon as Opal disappeared, he started snooping. Fuck. They barely had any food. A loaf of bread. Some peanut butter. Creamer and coffee.

This wasn’t good enough.

Grabbing his keys, he headed toward the door. What the fuck right did Linc have to go off at Lilac for not taking care of Ryleigh when he was letting them live here with no food?

Well, he’d soon remedy that.

Yes, he’d rather move Lilac in with him so he’d know that she was being looked after.

But he knew that was likely too soon.

He’d give it a week.

The lack of food worried him, though. Was this why she was so thin? He could see her making sure everyone else was fed and taken care of first and forgetting about herself.

That was going to change.

“You’re leaving.”

He glanced over to see Lilac staring at him with a look of resignation. There was no surprise. Just a hint of sadness.

“I’m going to the grocery store.”


“I should be about an hour,” he added.

“You’re coming back?”

“Yeah. With groceries.”

She frowned as though she didn’t understand what he was saying. He walked forward, cupping the side of her face. “Baby, you don’t have any food.”

Surprise filled her face. “You’re going to the grocery store to buy us food?”

“Yep. Is there anything you want? Chocolate? Ice cream? Any allergies I should cater for? What about sanitary products?”

“S-sanitary products? Are you seriously asking me if I want you to buy me tampons?”

“Well, I don’t know when you guys are due. You might need to restock.”

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