Page 75 of Malone's Fate

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Opal made a scoffing noise and got up to go look at the pamphlets.

“You thought that? That I hid a pregnancy from you?” Lilac asked.

“I didn’t know what to think. That night, you never turned up. You didn’t reply to my messages. I thought something terrible had happened. Then I figured you’d used and discarded me. So, what is the truth, Lilac?”

Guilt hit him as a tear dripped down her cheek. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

“The way to make it up to me is to tell me the truth.”

She nodded, sniffling. “All right, but not here. Not now.”

“Yeah. Not here. But soon.” He didn’t want her disappearing on him again.

“Either of you know why the receptionist keeps glaring at Lilac?” Opal asked. “She looks like she’s sucking on a lemon.”

Opal didn’t seem to have an indoor voice. Everything boomed through the room, and he glanced up to see Hannah giving him a mortified look.

He sighed. “That’s my fault. That’s Raid’s fiancée, Hannah. I’ll talk to her. Stay here.” Getting up, he moved to the desk to speak to Hannah.

Lilac glanced over at Opal as Tanner moved to talk to Hannah. “Do you think Ryleigh is okay?”

“I don’t know.” Opal chewed her lip, looking worried for the first time. Lilac knew she wore a mask around other people. But never around her or Ryleigh. “Linc was really upset that we hadn’t taken her to the doctor already.”

Guilt had her stomach rolling. God, she should have insisted Ryleigh go to the doctor. What was she thinking?

“Yesterday, she didn’t seem this bad.”

“I know. Her breathing started to go funny this morning. At least Kye is okay. We’ve kept him away from her. Sorry to call you. Do you think you’ll get fired?” Opal gave her a concerned look.

“Probably.” She wouldn’t blame Peggy for firing her. Especially after that mess with the guys at that booth. “I’m the worst employee.”

“I heard there were some issues last night at Dirty Delights,” Opal said. “Linc mentioned it when I first saw him this morning. You never said a thing.”

“I haven’t seen you today.”

“Sure. That’s the reason.” Opal nodded over at Tanner. “What’s going on with the cowboy?”

“What do you mean?”

Opal leaned forward. “Why is he here? Are you back with him?”

“No!” she said sharply.

Tanner glanced over. He raised an eyebrow, and she nodded back at him to let him know she was all right.

“Hmm, yeah, you two don’t act like a couple at all,” Opal said dryly.

“We’re not together. He was at the diner when you called and offered me a ride.”

And they’d kissed. But she wasn’t going to tell Opal that.

Linc opened the door and stepped through, a pale Ryleigh in his arms.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” She stood, holding Kye close.

“Ryleigh is very sick,” Linc said. “I’m taking her home with me. Can you bring Kye out to his car seat?”

“Um, yes. I need to settle the bill first.”

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