Page 60 of Malone's Fate

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Turning, she left.

“Well, she’s lots of fun, huh?” Opal said.

“I’m going to grab this stuff. Can you go to the grocery store?” She needed another job.

“You bet, sugar. Damn, there’s some real eye candy around this place.” Opal eyed an older man who was walking down the aisle.

He gave her an admiring look back.

Lilac had to smile. There was no one quite like Opal.

* * *

Lilac moved through Dirty Delights, fatigue making every movement hard.

She could do this. Tomorrow was Sunday and she had the day off. Perhaps she’d see if she could find a second job.

“Lilac, sit down,” Devon ordered.

“I’m fine. I’ve got another order to take out.”

“Sit. Down.”

Her eyes widened at the stern words, and without thought, she took a seat on a bar stool next to Jeremy, who sent her a smile. Jeremy was a regular customer who was here every night the bar was open. Which kind of made her sad. She wondered about his home life, but he never seemed down or upset. He always had a smile for her and the other girls.

“Hey, girlie.”

“Hey, Jeremy,” she said.

“You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders.”

“I’m fine. I didn’t need a break,” she complained to Devon, who just gave her a stern look back.

“If you don’t take your breaks, then you’ll get tired and make mistakes. This is for me, not you.”


Devon disappeared out the back and returned with fish bites sitting on a bowl of fries and some mayo and ketchup. Damn, that smelled good. They didn’t offer meals at Dirty Delights, but they did have bar snacks.

Devon placed the bowl of food in front of her. She frowned. “Oh, you want me to deliver this? Where is it going?”

“It’s for you,” he replied.

She couldn’t afford this and they didn’t get food with their wages.

“I’m fine. Thank you, though.”

“Eat the food, Lilac,” Devon said sternly.

“I didn’t order it, though.”

“But you’re eating it before you go back to work.” Devon disappeared down the other end of the bar.

How rude.

Who did he think he was?

“Better do as he says, Lilac,” Jeremy advised. “Devon’s got a real stubborn streak, and he means what he says.”

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