Page 5 of Malone's Fate

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“Right. The atmosphere. Yeah, the atmosphere is really, really nice.” Raid glanced over at Lilac.

“Don’t look at her.” Tanner scowled at him.

Raid held up his hands. “Whoa. Sorry. I didn’t mean anything bad.”

“I know . . . just . . . don’t.” He didn’t want anyone looking at her. Including his brother.

“Remember that you just met her,” Raid cautioned. “You don’t really know her.”

No. But he wanted to know her better. To spend time with her.

“We’re spending Saturday night and Sunday together.”

“We leave Sunday afternoon,” Raid pointed out.

“We can go on Monday. Right?”

“Sure,” Raid said slowly. “I mean, Alec is gonna want to know why and I don’t think you falling for the waitress is going to make him happy.”

“Her name is Lilac and she’s more than just the waitress. She’s the girl I’m going to marry.”

Partly, he said it to rile Raid up. But also . . . yeah, it didn’t feel wrong.

Raid groaned. “Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. She’s the one.”

Raid started muttering under his breath. “This is just fucking great. You’re not supposed to find ‘the one’ yet. I haven’t found mine! Butch hasn’t even found his.”

“It doesn’t have to go from oldest to youngest,” Tanner told him.

“It has so far. And I don’t want to find my ‘the one’.”

Tanner just rolled his eyes at Raid. No one said that he couldn’t find his girl first. Raid would just have to suck it up.

Because he was going to marry that girl.

“We have to head off soon,” Raid said. “It’s getting late.”

“Fine. I’ll just go say goodbye.”

“Okay, try not to trip up and, you know, get engaged or something.”

Tanner shook his head at his brother. Raid was such a drama queen. Tanner walked over to where Lilac was standing by one end of the bar.

“Lilac.” She jumped with a small scream as he put his hand on her arm.

When she turned to him, her face was white and the fear on her face floored him.

“Baby, hey, it’s just me.”

“Tanner.” She put her hand on her chest. “Sorry, I was away with the fairies.”

Was that it?

“You’re not scared of me, are you, Lilac?” he asked.

Her eyes widened and she swallowed heavily. “Of you? No.”

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