Page 43 of Malone's Fate

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Her friend came to a stop as she saw Linc. “Oh, shit.”

He glanced out of his car and looked from her to Lilac pointedly.

Lilac groaned. “He’s going to think I do nothing but lie.”

“Sorry,” Ryleigh told her. “I didn’t see his car until it was too late. Oh no, and I’m holding an armful of forbidden plums.”

Forbidden plums?

Lilac snorted. “Don’t worry. The plums are the least of our worries.”

“Christ, this fucking walking thing is a joke,” Opal complained as she strode up to them. “Why do people do it?”

“To get to places,” Lilac said dryly.

“That’s why cars were invented,” Opal said.

“Well, you did go for a walk in five-inch heels,” Ryleigh pointed out.

“These are the lowest heels I own.”

Lilac felt her lips twitch.

“I see Deputy Hottie is back,” Opal said. “And that Sugar ain’t runnin’.”

“Your powers of observation are astounding,” Lilac said sarcastically.

“I’m just gonna put these plums away and check on Kye,” Ryleigh said as Linc opened the car door.

She scurried inside and Linc’s gaze followed her.

“Slipped up when you said ‘they,’ huh?” Linc said.

She shrugged.

“Do I want to know why?” he asked.

Sighing, she shook her head.

“Hey there, Deputy Hottie,” Opal said loudly.

Linc narrowed his gaze as he turned to look at Opal. Lilac knew her friend was trying to divert his attention from Ryleigh. But if she didn’t tone it down, she was going to end up in trouble.

“So, um, thanks for checking on us, but I need to talk to my friends about what to do,” Lilac told him. “Do you think it would be okay if we spent another night here?”

Please. Please.

Desperation filled her.

Linc shook his head. “I’m sorry, no.”

Suddenly, a cry filled the air.


Linc scowled. “Is that a baby?”

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