Page 41 of Malone's Fate

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Part of her desperately wanted to see Tanner again.

And an even bigger part of her was dreading it.

But that wasn’t even her biggest worry over going to the Malones. What if she’d gotten it wrong and they weren’t good people? What if they didn’t want to help? Hell. She couldn’t even blame them . . . they were in such a mess that no ordinary people would choose to help.

But if they turned them away . . . there was no other plan other than her shaky one. And to do that, she had to ensure that Ryleigh, Kye, and Opal were safe first.

And then there was Ryleigh . . . she was counting on them. She believed in them. What if they let her down?

“Are you . . . is that what you want to do?” Lilac asked.

Because it was up to Ryleigh.

“I don’t know. I don’t . . . I’m scared. If we go there and they reject us, then we’ve got nothing.” Ryleigh looked so terrified. Lilac hated it.

“We haven’t got nothing,” Opal said, wrapping her arm around Ryleigh. “We got the three of us. Who needs anyone else? Not me.”

“The A team,” Ryleigh said.

“Right,” Lilac said. “The three of us can handle anything.”

“I just think maybe we should . . . we should get the lay of the land first, you know?” Ryleigh bit her lip. “I mean, I know you said that Tanner and Raid were good guys, and I’m sure you’re right. But . . .”

“But that doesn’t mean the others are,” Lilac finished. “So, we try to find out what we can about them. Then we come up with a plan. First, Sugar. Second, we drive out of this park. Third, find somewhere to park until tomorrow night when I can go earn us some money.”

Even if she didn’t get the job, at least she’d get some tips tomorrow night. That should buy them some more food and time.

Optimism filled her.

They had this.


She didn’t fucking have this.

Lilac kicked Sugar’s tire.

Pain shot up her leg and she hopped around with a cry, holding her foot between her hands. “God damn it! Stupid! Useless!”

“Things aren’t going well then,” a male voice said.


How had she missed him driving up? Well, she did have the music up and was nearly in tears from breaking her toe.

Such an idiot.

“Um. No. It’s not. Sorry.” Turning, she looked up with a forced smile at the deputy, who didn’t look all that amused.

“Did you hurt yourself?”

“I’m fine.”

“What happened?” he asked.

“Nothing. I’m all good.”

Linc’s gaze narrowed. “I don’t like being lied to.”

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