Page 32 of Malone's Fate

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“He’s a good baby.” Tanner kissed the top of his nephew’s head and watched West relax slightly.

The guy was wound up tighter than usual, which was saying something since he wasn’t the most relaxed individual.

“He sure is. Come on, West. Dance with me!” Flick tugged on his arm.

West? Dance? He’d like to see the day that happened.

“No dancing,” West replied. “Tanner needs to give me my baby.”

“Why? He’s happy,” Flick told him. “If you won’t dance, you can just stand there while I dance around you. That’s what he considers dancing anyway.” She grinned at Tanner.

“He swore in front of Mitch,” West grumbled.

Flick sighed and shook her head. “We’ve had this conversation, West. People are going to swear in front of Mitch.”

“They shouldn’t.”

“It happens. I stubbed my toe the other day and I said a bad word. Are you going to punish me?”

West turned to look at her. “You stubbed your toe? You didn’t tell me!”

Flick sighed. “That’s not the point of this. The point is?—”

West pointed a finger at her. “You tell me if you hurt yourself. That’s the rule.”

“Darn it, West!” Flick stomped her foot.

West swooped down and picked her up, cradling her against his chest.

“Tanner, watch Mitch.”

Flick groaned as he carried her away, scolding her. Tanner grinned.

“Your father is nuts, Mitch. Thank God the Malones pretty much always have boys because imagine him with a baby girl. That poor child would never get to leave the house. He’d probably put her in a bubble.”

Tanner shook his head at the thought. His cousin, Lottie, was the only Malone girl to be born in years.

There had to be a reason for that.

Swaying with the music, he headed toward the bar to get another soda. Seemed he wasn’t going to be drinking for a while. The bar was set around the side of the house to leave more room for everyone out back. Seemed like most of the town was here.

He froze as he spotted someone in the distance, watching from the street. There was no way he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. He shook his head and stepped farther forward. Just then, the person disappeared.

“Fuck, Mitch, now I’m seeing things,” he muttered. “There’s no way that was Lilac.”

He was definitely losing his mind.


Lilac looked up at the name of the bar.

Dirty Delights.

Okay. Interesting name. Didn’t have to mean that anything dirty or dodgy went on inside.

And really . . . what choice did she have? There were several businesses in Haven, which was surprising considering it wasn’t a large town, but only one bar.

She couldn’t get a job at the nice restaurant. But maybe she could find a job at the diner. However, waitressing at a bar was really her only experience. Plus, she felt like the owner of a bar was less likely to ask questions. Or want pesky things like a social security number.

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