Page 3 of Malone's Fate

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She drew a tissue out of her pocket and dabbed at his lips. “Where is the blood coming from?”

“My tongue. I think I bit it when —”

“When I whacked your chin,” she moaned. “Dumb. So dumb.”

“Stop,” he said sternly. “You are not dumb. Do not speak about yourself like that.”

The girl nodded, still looking miserable. “Ooh, what about ice? Ice can help.” She reached for a glass on the table beside them and scooped out some ice.

That wasn’t even her drink, was it?

“Is that your drink?” he asked.

“What? Uh, no. Ice?”

“No, thanks.”

She stared down at her hand, then groaned. “I didn’t even think about cleaning my hand first. What is wrong with me?” She put the ice cubes back. “I’ll go get some clean ice. Wait here.”

Clean ice?

Tanner watched as she moved through the crowd of people to the bar, flagging down the bartender.

Raid shot him a questioning look, but he just smiled back at him. He was good.

He thought.

When she returned, she held a glass of ice. “I am so sorry.”

He shook his head, then popped some ice into his mouth. “It’s all good, darlin’. Just an accident. They happen.”

She sighed. “With me more than anyone else. Can I get you anything else?”

“How about you tell me your name?”

“Oh, it’s Lilac.”

“Hey, Lilac, I’m Tanner.” He held out his hand to her.

“Nice to meet you, Tanner. Are you here in Hopesville for the rodeo?” she asked.


“Are you entering?” she asked.

“Yeah. Tomorrow afternoon.”

“I have to get back to work. Will you come back tomorrow night?” she asked, looking hopeful.

“You working?”


“Then I’ll be here, darlin’.”


Two nights later . . .

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