Page 29 of Malone's Fate

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She had her doubts. She wasn’t sure she should be here at all. When he saw her . . . well, she wouldn’t be sticking around, anyway.

Taking the flashlight, she set off, walking down quiet streets. This place seemed so pretty, even at night when it was difficult to see. Although at least there were plenty of streetlamps.

Music in the distance caught her attention and she found herself walking toward it without thinking.

It sounded like a bunch of people having fun. Laughing. Drinking. Probably dancing.

God. Had she ever been so carefree? Had she ever been able to laugh and dance without a worry?

Stopping in front of the house having the party, she stood and watched. She could see a bit of what was going on in the backyard from the street. Looked like there were a lot of people back there. Fairy lights. Tables. A bar.

A real party.

Longing filled her and she wished she could join them. Unable to tear herself away, she just stood there and daydreamed about a different life.

Suddenly, a man stepped out from the side of the house. Tension filled her.

Was it . . . no, it wasn’t possible, right?

No way that could be Tanner. She knew she was going to have to see him eventually. But not tonight, when her shields were so low. When there was no way that she could protect herself from pain.

So, she slid back into the shadows.

Lilac was good at doing that.

At being invisible.

Rushing away, she headed back to the RV and her friends. Tomorrow was a new day.

She just had to hope it was going to be better than today.


Tanner Malone watched all the happy couples on the dance floors.

“Assholes,” he muttered.

The baby lying on his chest shifted around before letting out a fart.

“Yep, exactly, Mitch. I knew you’d agree with me.” He glowered at them all as he lifted his drink and took a sip. It was just soda since he was on baby duty. Once someone else took over, he’d get something with more bite.

The one good thing about a wedding was the free booze.

That was pretty much the only good thing.

“Fucking Butch,” Raid muttered as he sat next to him. “The asshole is a fucking genius.”

“How do you figure that?”

“A birthday party that’s also a surprise wedding? With no engagement party necessary? That’s fucking genius. Do you know how many conversations I’ve had this week about what flowers should be in the centerpieces on the tables at our wedding reception?”

Tanner sighed but didn’t answer because he knew Raid was going to tell him anyway.

“About twelve,” Raid said. “That’s twelve too many. Who the fuck cares about flowers? Or centrepieces?”

“So, elope? Do what Butch did and just surprise everyone. How did you not know about this anyway given that it’s happening in your backyard?”

“All I said yes to was a birthday party. Apparently, Lara roped Hannah in and swore her to secrecy. Need to have a word with her about keeping secrets from me.”

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