Page 180 of Malone's Fate

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“I’m a bad person, Stefan. But you’re the Devil himself. And you belong in hell.”

The gun fired and she screamed, her arms going over the back of her head as she huddled down to protect herself. Her entire body shook, and she knew she was going to be sick.

But she couldn’t stop herself from turning to look.

She saw Stefan lying on the floor. He was so still.

So dead.

“Oh God. Oh God.”

“Get up, Lilac.”

His voice wasn’t unkind, but she was too scared to reply as she forced herself to stand.

“Is he . . . is he . . .” she stumbled over her words, her hand over her tummy.

“Oh, he’s quite dead.” There was almost a cheerful note to Donatello Rossi’s voice as he spoke.

Turning back to him, she saw that he’d put the gun away and was pouring himself a drink. How had this even happened?

“You killed him.”

“Yes,” he replied calmly.

“I thought he was your friend,” she said. Well, as much of a friend as Stefan had.

“Stefan doesn’t have friends, you know that. And he was no friend of mine. It was only a matter of time until he betrayed me.”

“You keep helping me.”

He eyed her for a long moment, then he sighed. “I once had a sister who I loved. I couldn’t save her. But I could save you.”

She swallowed heavily. “It seems too easy. He’s been the boogeyman under my bed for so many years and now he’s just…”

“As monstrous as I’m sure he seemed, he was just a man, Lilac. A man who got what was coming to him.”

Still . . . she felt all mixed up. He was a terrible person. He would have taken her back to his house and hurt her for defying him.

But he was still her brother.

Who was now gone. And she was free . . . wasn’t she? Or had she swapped one monster for another?

“Where are his men?” she asked worriedly. They’d been just outside the plane. Why weren’t they here?

“My men have taken care of them. The idiot thought I wasn’t a threat to him because I agreed to be his ally. Don’t worry, no one will find out what happened here.”

Right. Uh-huh. Yep.

“What . . . what happens now?”

“Now, my dear, you have a choice. You can come back with me, of course. I’ll provide you with a safe place to live. Time and money to do whatever you desire.”

She shook her head violently and he smiled.

“Or you can pretend this never happened, you never saw any of this, and you can leave.”

“I want option number two. I’ll never say a word, Don. I promise.”

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