Page 157 of Malone's Fate

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Damn it.

“Look, you didn’t even want me here because you knew I was a risk to your family. Nothing’s changed.”

“Except for everything,” West said. “You protected our sister and nephew when we couldn’t.”

“And by our reckoning that means we owe you,” Alec said gently. “You aren’t going back to that asshole. I never should have said what I did and for that I apologize. I should have had more faith in Tanner and his feelings. But I practically raised Tanner, and sometimes I seem to forget he’s his own man. With his own mind.”

“Since you raised him, you should know he’s a good man,” West said. “Even if he’s an asshole sometimes.”

She was trying to keep up with them. But all she was getting was that no one was going to support her plan.

“He’ll come for me eventually. You have children. Women. I can’t risk them.”

“And we can’t risk you,” Alec said.

“I’m no one. I’m not important. Everyone else is.”

West whistled and Alec looked over her head. “I can see the issues you’re facing here.”


Turning, she looked up . . . into the furious face of Tanner Malone.


“I’ve been looking all over the house for you.”

She gulped.

“I was starting to worry that you’d gone outside, wandered off, that you’d left.”

As well as anger there was a stark worry in his voice. The last thing she wanted was to hurt him. To scare him.

“I’m sorry.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why didn’t you text me?”

“Um, well, I guessed that you’d be busy, and I, um . . .”

“You might want to tell the truth, girl,” West advised.

Great. Thanks for the advice, West.

Her shoulders slumped. “I just wanted some information. Tanner, I need it. I can’t stop my brain until I know what’s going on.”

“And you didn’t think you could ask me? That I wouldn’t tell you?”

“No, I didn’t think you would,” she said. “You’re trying to shelter me.”

“Of course I’m trying to shelter you!” he yelled. “You’re the woman I love, and you’ve been through hell! You’ve just come out of the hospital. I think I’m entitled to shelter you under those circumstances.”

“And if I didn’t have my maniac brother out there, probably getting ready to commit countless murders to get me back, I would let you.”

Tanner stalked forward. He moved around so he faced her chair. She twisted just as he leaned in to place his hands on the arms of the chair. “You are going to let me pamper and protect you or so help me I’m going to spank your ass every day for a month.”

Lilac stared up at him in shock. Did he just realize what he’d said? But as she stared at him, she saw a very real fear in his eyes. What was she doing? Was she really insisting on going back to Stefan when it was the last thing she wanted? When it seemed everyone was against the idea?

And when it was causing the man she loved such pain?

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