Page 153 of Malone's Fate

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Alec sighed. “There’s a chance she’s not. But she said the old man told her about us. Also, her son, Kye, looks like Tanner when he was a baby. We can do some tests . . . but yeah, I think she belongs to us.”

“Wow. A sister,” Butch said. “Fuck. Is that asshole the father of her son?”

“I’ll fucking kill him if he raped her,” Raid snapped.

“No. He didn’t touch her,” Tanner said. “Lilac got them all out of there before he could. But they’ve been running a long time from him, and Lilac is worn through.”

“She’s protected them this long. It’s time for her to let someone else take over,” Alec said.

“We’re going to slaughter the bastard,” Maddox said.

“I’m still in the room,” Linc said.

“Then leave.” Beau shot him a grin.

“I’m not the enemy,” Linc said. “You guys have known me a while. I consider some of you friends.”

“That was before you started putting your filthy hands on our sister,” Maddox said darkly.

Linc put his hands in the air. “I didn’t know she was your sister! You didn’t know she was your sister. And I haven’t put my hands on her.”

“Good. Keep it that way if you want to keep your hands,” West told him.

Linc was fucked. He actually found himself feeling sorry for the big guy.

“Back to Stefan,” Jaret said. “Do we have a last name? Details? Who are we up against?”

“I managed to get some details from Lilac,” Alec said. “Her brother’s name is Stefan Weber. His father was Anselm Weber. Anselm owned an import business in San Diego. Stefan took over from his father when he died. That’s as far as I’ve got.”

“What are they importing?” Tanner asked.

“I’ve heard of them,” Linc said with a frown. “No one has found anything dirty on them, but it’s widely believed to be guns and women.”

“And our father sold our sister to this guy?” Butch asked. “Fuck.”

“Lilac has lived with him her entire life,” Tanner said. “She’s been emotionally and physically abused by him, and it got worse after her father died.”

“Opal was his mistress,” Alec added. “Seems it wasn’t by choice.”

“I have a question,” Lara said.

“Go for it.” Alec nodded to her.

“Wouldn’t Stefan know that Ryleigh might come here? Didn’t she have your last name? Would your dad have told him about all of you?”

There was silence.

“Fuck,” Linc said, ignoring West’s glare at his language. “But that would mean he could know where they are. If he did . . . wouldn’t he have grabbed them already?”

“It’s possible that he knows our last name,” Alec said. “But Ryleigh said the old man used the last name, Sanders. And even if Stefan did think that they’d come here, he’d have to have some way of knowing when they arrived here. We would have noticed a stranger hanging around.”

Linc nodded. “That’s true, and it’s been what . . . ten months since they ran? Even if he’d had someone here to begin with, he probably had to pull them back.”

Alec rubbed at his head. “If he comes for them, then we need to be prepared. We have to protect them.”

They all nodded.

“We need to talk to Ryleigh,” Alec said.

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