Page 137 of Malone's Fate

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They reached the guesthouse and Tanner opened the door, carrying her in. It was quiet. Empty. She guessed everyone had moved to Linc’s house.

A strange feeling crept over her.

They didn’t need her now. They had Linc to take care of them.

She was surplus. Unnecessary.

Panic started to take hold of her, muffling her hearing. She was aware that Tanner and Alec were talking, but she couldn’t seem to focus on their words.

This is what you wanted.

Only trouble was, she didn’t know what to do with herself now. Who was she if she wasn’t needed by anyone? If she wasn’t holding everything together?

Would she shatter?

“Fuck, Alec, shut up. You’re stressing her out.”

“What?” Alec asked.

Tanner sat her on the sofa. Then he crouched down in front of her, placing his large hands on her thighs. “Baby, you need to calm down. Everything is fine. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay here with you.”


She gaped at him.

“But I need you to start breathing. Come on, you know the deal. Follow my voice. Listen to me. Breathe in. One. Two. Hold. One. Two. Now, out. Good girl. You are doing so well. In. One. Two. Hold. One. Two. Let it out, baby.”

“Fuck. I didn’t mean to upset her.”

She glanced up at Alec. She should tell him this wasn’t his fault. That he was right to protect his family. To be suspicious. She came with a whole lot of dangerous baggage.

“That’s it. Don’t worry,” Tanner told her. “I’m not going anywhere. Alec will just have to grab more of my stuff. I’m staying right here to take care of you.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Tanner, you don’t know anything about why she searched you out. What if her brother is looking for us?”

“Why would he be looking for us?” Tanner replied. “And if he is, then Lilac would tell us.”

“Clearly not, seeing as she is refusing to tell us why she searched you out in Hopesville. Until we know what is going on, you should stay away from her.”

“I’m not staying away from her.” Tanner glared over his shoulder at his brother.

What was happening right now?

She’d thought that Tanner was upset with her. But was he angry at Alec?

“Whatever she is keeping from me, she has her reasons. I love her. She’s my girl, my responsibility. I’m going to stay here with her and look after her.”

Lilac gaped at him.

Turning back to her, he squeezed her thighs. “I don’t like that you’re keeping things from me. But I know you. You think you have to look after everyone else, but like I told you before . . . I’m going to look after you, Lilac. I’m not running off at the first hurdle.”

This man.

She definitely didn’t deserve him. But she was never going to let him go.

Tanner turned back to Alec. “You were the one who always told us that when we found someone special that we needed to do everything we could to keep her. To protect her. That I should take my responsibilities seriously.”

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