Page 135 of Malone's Fate

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“Alec isn’t going to harm you, Lilac,” Tanner reassured her. “We just need the truth.”

“And I keep telling you. I can’t tell you. It’s not my secret.”

Alec grunted. “Then I’m sure you’ll understand why I can’t have you around my family until I know.”

“Alec!” Tanner protested.

The door to her room opened and Abby stepped in. She stared around them, frowning. “Is everything all right in here?”

She managed to force a smile even though she felt like crying. It was fine. Everything was fine.

“Fine,” she said tightly. “Am I good to go?”

“Uh, yes. Discharge papers with the doctor’s instructions. A script for iron tablets. You’ll need another blood test in three months. You can go to the clinic in Haven for that.”

Right. Except she wouldn’t be here.

“Doctor Martin would like you to follow up with one of the doctors in Haven in a weeks’ time to check on you. If you feel faint, dizzy, or have any chest pains, then come back here. Tanner, you’re taking her home?”

“No, he’s not,” she managed to say.

Abby gave her a worried look.

“I’m here to pick them both up,” Alec said. “Tanner’s truck got towed.”

It had? He’d never said anything.

Abby grimaced, nodding. “They’re really strict. I wish it was a business from Haven, but it’s that one in Freestown. You’ll have to go there and pay the fine.”

“I will,” Tanner said gruffly. “Thanks for all of this, Abby.”

“No problem. I’ll get a wheelchair.”

She thought about asking Abby to order a rideshare for her. But she could do that herself. Abby left and she grabbed her phone, bringing up the app.

“What are you doing?” Tanner asked, frowning. He peered down at her phone.

“Have you ever heard of privacy?” she snapped.

“You’re trying to order a ride?” he asked.

“You’re not taking a taxi,” Alec replied. “We’re taking you home.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She was trying to keep herself from losing it, but she was on the verge of tears.

She just wanted to get away from them.

Away from Tanner . . .

Don’t lose it. Don’t lose it.

Before Alec could reply, Abby returned. Tanner pulled the blanket off her before lifting her into the wheelchair.

“I’ve got this, Abby,” he told her.

“All right. You’re in good hands.” Abby patted her shoulders. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope I don’t see you back here, Lilac.”

She smiled up at the kind woman. “Same.”

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