Page 126 of Malone's Fate

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She glanced around, but she couldn’t see Tanner. Where was he? Had he left her?

He’d abandoned her and now Stefan had found her.

This is a good thing. You don’t want Stefan to see Tanner.

It didn’t feel like a good thing right then, though. It felt utterly terrifying. Her heart raced as she tried to breathe.

“Did you really think you could run from me? That I wouldn’t find you? You always were a stupid bitch, Lilac. Always one step behind. Thick as a brick. Fat. Ugly. Although I see you took care of the fat part. I knew the fucking staff were feeding you behind my back. No way could you eat what I told them to feed you and still look like you did.”

She whimpered. Why was no one coming to save her?

Where was the nurse? Tanner? Someone?

She wriggled around, trying to push his hand off her mouth.

“Uh-uh, no fighting back, Lilac. you know that will make it worse and I’d hate to have to punish you by hurting your friend.”

Her eyes widened as she continued to fight to breathe.

Did he mean? Surely, he didn’t know about Tanner, right?

“That’s right. I know all about your friend and I’m coming for him. I’m going to hurt him to hurt you. And you know I’ll do it, don’t you?”

No! No, no, no! She wouldn’t let Stefan hurt him.

“I’m coming, Lilac.”

“Lilac! Lilac, wake up!”

Lilac opened her eyes, staring around wildly. Sitting up, she grabbed at her throat. She couldn’t breathe! He was choking her!

“Baby. Fuck, Lilac, you’re all right. It was just a nightmare. You’re okay, baby.”

She clawed at her neck. The pain of her fingernails slicing into her skin didn’t even register through her panic.

“Lilac.” Tanner’s firm voice finally managed to penetrate her panic and she gaped at him.


She couldn’t!

“You. Will. Breathe. I want you to match my breathing.” He grabbed her hands, tugging them away from her neck. He placed both of them on his chest. “Breathe. Right. Fucking. Now.”

There was no ignoring that command. Her throat relaxed slightly, and she gasped in some air.

“Good girl. And another.”

She took another breath. Then one more. Gradually, she became aware that she was trembling. She glanced around frantically. Was he here? Had he come for her?

“Lilac, listen to me, baby. It was just a nightmare.”

She shook her head. No, no, it wasn’t. It had been real. He’d been here.

“Tell me what it was about.” Tanner cupped her face between his hands.

She tried to shake her head again, but he held her face still.

“Tell me.”

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