Page 122 of Malone's Fate

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“Why not? Nothing I haven’t seen before. I think we should take these shorts off and get you changed into one of my T-shirts. It will be so big on you that it will cover everything.”

“Shoot. I didn’t think about what I was going to sleep in.” She really needed some fresh clothes.

“It’s either my T-shirt or a hospital gown.” He nodded at the shelf filled with hospital gowns.

Yeah. No thanks.

“Do you have a spare one? Are you sure it will cover me?”

“Yep, and you’re tiny. Of course it will cover you. I’ll go get it while you use the toilet. Don’t get up off the toilet without my help. Call me if you need me.”

Um. Yeah. That wasn’t happening.

He stood there. What was he waiting for? She really had to pee.

“Sit down,” he commanded.

“Good Lord,” she muttered. But she sat, still blushing.

He disappeared, leaving the door open. Um, no. She didn’t think so. Leaning over, she managed to nudge the door closed.

“Lilac,” he said warningly through the closed door.

“I cannot pee with you listening,” she told him.

That was a step too far.

She ignored the sound of his sigh.

After she was finished, she slowly stood. Then she flushed the toilet before moving to the sink to wash her hands.

The door immediately opened like she figured it might.

“That’s three, baby,” Tanner said from behind her.

She turned with a gasp, the room spinning slightly.

“Damn it, Lilac.” Stepping forward, he lifted her into his arms. “What were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that I can pull my own panties up and wash my own hands.”

“All right, then how about this? Stop thinking and start letting me do the thinking for you.”

That really shouldn’t be so appealing. But it was. It really was.

“I need clean clothes for tomorrow,” she mumbled as he carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. Turning, he grabbed a large T-shirt out of his duffel bag.

What did it say about her that she really wanted to wear his clothes?

She wasn’t really sure.

As he reached for her T-shirt, she suddenly changed her mind. She really did feel gross and dirty.

“I really need a shower.”

“And you can have a shower, but I’ll need to help you.”

“You’ll get all wet.”

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