Page 101 of Malone's Fate

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Why can’t you do anything right, Lilac?

First, she couldn’t fix Sugar. Then, she didn’t notice how sick Ryleigh was. And now she’d ruined things with Tanner.

Out. She needed to get out. She couldn’t breathe.

She was lying on Ryleigh’s bed, having locked herself in here to avoid talking to Opal.

Which was something else to feel ashamed of. Opal had to work tomorrow and she’d left her to take care of Kye.

After quickly pulling on some clothes, she tiptoed into the next room to check on Kye and Opal. Both of them were sleeping.

She’d just go for a quick run, then come back and listen out for Kye, so Opal could sleep. Checking the time on the oven, she saw it was just after three in the morning.

Yeah, no way was she sleeping now.

Slipping out the door, she walked toward the road. Sure, she knew it was probably a stupid idea to go running at this time of night. However, Haven was a safe place.

Well, safe-ish.

Still, she was sure that no one else would be up now. She started off at a slow jog, but it wasn’t long until her lungs were heaving for air, her side protesting that it didn’t like moving this much.

Shit. She was so unfit.

It probably didn’t help that she had bruised ribs.

Slowing down, she tried to catch her breath, but couldn’t. The world spun dangerously.

Oh great.

Just wonderful.

This was the icing on the cake, she thought as the world went black.



What asshole would be calling him at this time of the night? With a groan, Tanner reached over and grabbed his phone. Seeing Linc’s name, he answered.

“Why the fuck are you calling me at fucking four-thirty in the morning? If you’ve arrested one of my brothers, I don’t fucking care. Call Alec. Bye.”

“Wait! Tanner, don’t you fucking hang up!”

There was an urgency in Linc’s voice that made him pause. Fuck. What if something had happened to Lilac or Kye?

“What is it? What’s going on?” he asked, sitting up.

“It’s Lilac.”

He got up and put the phone on speaker as he reached for his jeans. “What about Lilac?”

“Tanner, she passed out. I brought her to the hospital and the doctor is checking her over now. I know things weren’t great between you yesterday, but I thought you’d want to know.”

“You’re fucking right, I do. I’ll be right there.”

He hastily finished dressing before sending Alec a quick text to explain why he wouldn’t be around today.

Then he raced to the hospital, not giving a single fuck about the speed limit.

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