Page 78 of Saving Londyn

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With only one way out of the cabin, Londyn figured she couldn’t dodge her way out. More than likely, she’d have to fight her way out. If she could get past the muscle-bound asshat, she could easily take the bitch down.

“You know, we’d all have been happier if you’d just stayed on your little ranch in Montana. You’d be home with your horse, and I’d have the part I deserved in the first place.”

Alan took a step toward Londyn.

She tensed and waited until he got closer, putting a little distance between himself and Julia.

When he lunged for her, Londyn shot to the right, ducked around him and almost made it to Julia.

Alan swung around, grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her backward.

Londyn fought like a wild cat. She kicked, punched and even bit the man. But he was bigger, stronger and quickly subdued her by throwing her on the ground and crushing her with his body.

Julia produced a roll of duct tape and wrapped some around Londyn’s ankles. Once she had them secured, Alan leaned back, gripped both of Londyn’s wrists and pulled them behind her back.

Julia wrapped tape around them. She tore off a short piece and slapped it over Londyn’s mouth. She straightened and looked down her nose at Londyn as she lay on her side on the floor of the cabin.

“The charges are set?” Julia asked Alan.

He nodded.

“Let me hold the detonator while you move her to the center of the room.” She held out her hand.

Alan dug in his pocket and pulled out a small device. He handed it to Julia and then grabbed Londyn by the ankles and dragged her across the floor.

Londyn bunched her legs and tried to kick the man in the shins. He backed out of reach.

Julia stood behind the man with a crowbar in her hands. She raised it above Alan’s head and slammed it down with all the force of a lumberjack splitting wood.

When the iron bar hit Alan’s head, it made a loud cracking sound.

Alan crumpled to the floor and lay still.

“The man was great in bed but dumb as a rock. This way, I can tie up all the loose ends and get back to my trailer before anyone knows or can do anything about it.” She smiled and held the device up in her hand. “You really shouldn’t have taken the part. I had it before your mother interfered.” She slid the safety off the device and pressed the button. “Happy trails.”

A small explosion erupted beneath the cabin, shaking the floor beneath Londyn’s cheek.

Julia tossed the detonator onto the floor near Londyn, smiled and walked out the door.

Londyn tried to scream while the cabin door was open, but the tape over her mouth muffled her cries.

Smoke filtered through cracks in the floor beneath her.

Londyn’s heart raced. The explosion had to be the incendiary device set up for the cabin fire they were supposed to shoot later that day. Since the cabin was made of wood, it would be fuel for the fire and be consumed quickly.

Londyn had to get out of there or die of smoke inhalation or be burned alive in the flames.

She looked around the cabin for anything she could use to cut through the duct tape on her wrists. Her heart plummeted to the pit of her belly when she couldn’t find anything sharp enough to do the job. No jagged metal. No butcher knives. Nothing.

If she could get to the door, perhaps she could pull it open.

With her hands bound behind her back and her ankles locked together, she moved across the floor by rolling her entire body and inch-worming until she reached the door.

Once there, she tried reaching the doorknob with her feet. Her boots hindered her ability to turn the knob. She tried hooking her boots over the top and pulling them off, duct tape and all, but the binding was too tight, and the boots weren’t budging.

The smoke thickened quickly.

Londyn rolled onto her belly and planted her forehead against the floor. Trying to maintain her balance, she hiked her butt into the air and pulled her knees up beneath her and rose to a kneeling position. At this point, she was eye-level with the doorknob and no nearer to opening the door.

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