Page 61 of Saving Londyn

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Craig’s plate held the remains of scrambled eggs and half a slice of toast. He lifted his coffee mug to his lips and sipped gingerly. “We were so glad to hear you made it back last night and with your horse. What a nightmare being caught out in that storm.”

“Thank you,” Londyn said, not elaborating on the fact she nearly drowned.

“We heard from Haynes,” Julia said. “They made it back to the trailers a few minutes before the storm hit their location.”

“That’s good,” Nash said. “Driving in the deluge was...challenging.” His gaze met Londyn’s.

“Dan tells us you’re heading back to your ranch with your horse.” Her pretty eyebrows rose up her forehead. “Have you had enough fun playacting?”

Londyn stabbed at the eggs on her plate. “Not at all,” she said. “But after what happened with my mare, she’ll be better off recovering in familiar surroundings.”

“Right,” Julia said. “As I’m sure you’ll be glad to be home as well.”

“I will,” Londyn said. “However short the stay.”

“Is this the first time you’ve been away for this long?” Julia asked. “I mean, you appear to be more comfortable doing ranch things than acting.”

“We were surprised when Haynes chose an unknown for the lead,” Dan commented.

Londyn swallowed the piece of toast she’d been chewing. “No more surprised than when I got the part.”

“I’m sure it didn’t hurt that you’re Dana Tyler’s daughter,” Julia said. “Not that anyone would know. You couldn’t be more different in appearance from your mother.”

“So, I’m told.” Londyn smoothed jelly across her toast.

“Must be nice to eat carbs,” Julia said. “I steer completely clear of them. Otherwise, I’d blow up like a blimp.”

Londyn took a bite of her toast and closed her eyes, moaning softly. After she swallowed, she said, “You’re missing out.”

Nash almost choked on his coffee. He liked that Londyn didn’t rise to Julia’s comments, and he liked that Londyn wasn’t concerned about the carbs she consumed. Most likely, she burned it off, working her ranch. He understood the hard work required to raise cattle and horses and manage a large spread. That she was doing it by herself with just a couple of ranch hands amazed him and worried him about her health and safety.

“The weatherman predicts rain for the next couple of days,” Craig said. “Perhaps Haynes will have us stand down until it clears.”

“Which could give you more time at home,” Julia said.

“That would be nice,” Londyn murmured.

“If you like your ranch so much, why don’t you stay?” Julia said.

Londyn sighed and turned to Mitchell. “How soon will we be able to stage the cattle drive?”

“It’ll take a couple of days for the ground to dry enough to film the cattle drive,” Mitchell said. “Unless your director wants muddy cows in the picture.”

Londyn shook her head. “It’s supposed to be a dusty summer scene. Besides, I’m sure you don’t want to risk the safety of your herd, moving them on muddy turf.”

Dan Mitchell nodded. “I am concerned. I’ll speak with Haynes about the conditions.”

“I suppose we’ll be leaving today, as well,” Julia said. “Though it was nice staying on a ranch. I can see why you love it so much,” she said to Londyn. “I can’t understand why you’d want to leave.”

Londyn set her fork on her plate. “I have my reasons. Number one is that I have a job to do. I’ll only be gone long enough to get my horse settled in. I’d appreciate it if you’d let Haynes know I’m only going long enough to get her settled in.”

“I’m sure there’s no hurry,” Julia said. “I think the storm will have made a mess of our primary location as well as the cattle drive scene. We’ll be up to our knees in mud for a few days until it dries.”

Londyn met Nash’s gaze across the table. “I’m ready when you are.”

Nash nodded, aware of the tension between Londyn and Julia. The other actress had a way of getting under even his skin—and her comments weren’t directed at him. The tightness around Londyn’s mouth was a clear indication Julia’s comments were hitting nerves. He glanced at Mitchell. “We’ll be leaving within the hour. Thank you for your hospitality.”

Mitchell snorted. “Next time, let me treat you to a real bed.”

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