Page 23 of Saving Londyn

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Nash stared into the inky-black depths of her gaze.

When her tongue darted out to dampen her lips, it drew his attention lower.

Definitely close enough to kiss.

As if drawn to her by an irresistible, magnetic force, his head lowered until his lips were but a breath away from hers. All she had to do was rise up to meet him.

His breath arrested in his lungs, and he froze as if caught in a time warp, willing her to make that move.

Londyn’s fingers curled into the fabric of his T-shirt. Her body tensed against his.

For a moment, Nash thought she’d step away. It would be the right thing to do. Because as much as he wanted the kiss, he knew it would change everything.

The voice of reason confined to the very back of his mind begged him to take that step backward, to stop the insanity before it could take firm root.

“This might be a big mistake,” she whispered, “but hell—” Londyn rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. At first tentative, her mouth brushed his, then pressed firmer, her tongue darting out to breach the seam of his lips.

He opened to her, meeting her tongue with a long and earth-shattering caress.

Her hand slipped up his chest and curled into the hair at the back of his head, holding him tightly, urging him to get closer, to take more.

And he did, one hand pressing against her lower back, the other cupping the back of her head and his fingers slipping into her thick, damp hair.

He kissed her like there might not be a tomorrow for them, like a man consuming his last meal. No matter how close he held her, it wasn’t close enough.

When he remembered to breathe, he lifted his head and stared down into her glassy eyes. “Definitely a mistake,” he murmured.

Her tongue swept across her swollen lips as her gaze held his for a long moment. Then she blinked and moved back.

Though he wanted to retain his hold on her, he let his arms drop to his sides.

She ran her hands over her thighs, stretching the T-shirt tightly over her pebble-tipped breasts. “I’m not sure what just happened...”

He knew exactly what had happened and wanted it to happen again. The feeling was so intense that it shook him. “You should get some rest.” He moved around her, snagged his sleeping bag and headed for the door.

“Nash, wait,” she called out. “You can’t sleep outside. The bears...”

“I can handle the bears,” he said and stepped out onto the deck. “Lock the door behind me.” He pulled the door closed and released the breath he’d been holding. He tossed the sleeping bag on the porch, marched to his truck and retrieved the handgun he kept tucked in the console.

Yeah, he could handle the bears a hell of a lot easier than he could handle himself with Londyn in the room.


Londyn lay in the bed, her pulse thrumming, heat radiating throughout her body for a long time after that kiss. She gripped the sides of the bed to keep from marching out onto that porch and demanding another kiss to prove to herself it had been an anomaly. Like he’d said, she was still in a bit of shock after that explosion.

She’d never felt as deeply impacted by just a kiss before in her life. It couldn’t be real. Could it?

Midnight came and went before Londyn finally fell into a fitful sleep. Only to dream about the man whose kiss had rocked her world so thoroughly, she was certain she’d never be the same.

She woke before the alarm she’d set on her cell phone, before the sun had chased the gray light of predawn from the sky and stretched, groaning at the aches and pains presenting themselves from the previous day’s trauma.

She listened for sounds of movement from the room in the little cabin. The silence was only broken by the chirping call of an early bird getting a jump on the day.

Like she should. Since it took over thirty-five minutes to drive to the film location, she needed to get a move on. She knew that when the director cast her in the lead female role, he’d taken a big chance on her. Lead rolls usually went to famous actors with a following that would bring movie-goers to the theater to see them.

Londyn had none of that, and because she looked nothing like her famous mother, playing that marketing angle would have less of an effect.

Thankfully, Craig Ryland was a big name in the industry. From the rumors Londyn had overheard, he’d been paid ten times what the studio had offered her. They were banking on his marketability to make that money back at the box office and more.

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