Page 22 of Whiskey

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I couldn’t stop thinking about the worst-case scenarios. Living without either of my girls was not an option.

It was most likely Kenny, and it scared me even more that he had her and was probably high as a fucking kite. When I got my hands on him, he was gonna beg me to kill him before I was through.



Isat slumped over the wheel of the SUV until I heard the familiar roar of Zane’s motorcycle. Then I scrambled out of the vehicle, almost crashing to the ground because my knees buckled. But he jumped off his bike and caught me before I went down.

“It’s gonna be okay,” he promised, a thread of steel in his voice.

I shook my head, tears starting to fall now that some of the shock had worn off. “It’s all my fault.”

“You’re not to blame, baby,” he reassured. “I don’t know exactly what happened, but I know you’d never do anything to put Corinne at risk.”

I was relieved that he didn’t think that I was responsible for Corinne’s kidnapping, but it didn’t ease my feeling of guilt. “He took her from the SUV while I was driving.”

“Tell me, any details you can remember will help,” he urged.

I took a few deep breaths and nodded. “It all happened so fast. I had just pulled over to wait for the prospect to catch up to me. Corinne was sleeping, and I twisted around in my seat to watch the light because I would pull out onto the street again when it turned green. I heard a noise in the back but didn’t realize what it was at first. By the time I turned around, the man was already popping the baby carrier out of its base. I couldn’t unbuckle my belt and get out of the vehicle fast enough to stop him from taking her. He just tossed her into the passenger seat of his car and took off. Without even bothering to buckle her in, and an airbag only inches from our precious little girl.”

“You were parked here when he took her?” he asked.

I pressed my hands against his chest to try to stop my trembling. “Yeah. That’s how he got the door open.” I wasn’t happy about the feature that automatically unlocked the car when it was put in park. I’d been so focused on watching for the prospect that I’d forgotten to lock it again. After this, we either needed to find a way to disable it or get a new freaking car.

He scanned the area and pointed out a couple of cameras mounted on the building to my left. “I’ll get one of the guys to work on getting the footage. Hopefully, they caught something that’ll help us find Corinne before our sweet girl realizes she’s not with you.”

“The prospect took off after him.” I blinked up at Zane. “Have you heard from him yet? Maybe he caught up to them.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, baby. The kid called the clubhouse. He hit a curb taking a sharp turn about a mile away, and the bastard got away. But he had the plate number, which’ll help.”

My shoulders slumped. “If I’d just realized the prospect wasn’t going to make the light, I could have slowed down and stayed at the intersection with him. Then I wouldn’t have needed to pull over to wait for him to catch up, and that guy wouldn’t have been able to snatch Corinne from the back seat.”

“No, this is on the asshole who got my sister pregnant and then ditched her. He must have a death wish to snatch her from you like that.”

My eyes widened. “You already know who took her?”

“I’m almost positive,” he confirmed before telling me about the man who’d stopped by Iron Inkworks, claiming to be Corinne’s biological father.

The thought of her out there with someone who’d been willing to sell her to us scared the daylights out of me. I’d only been in her life for a little more than two weeks, but I considered Corinne to be mine.

“I don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to her,” I cried.

Zane stroked his palm down my spine. “Don’t worry, baby. The entire club is working on figuring out where that bastard took our girl. He’s not going to have her long enough to do jack shit.”

“Our girl?” I echoed, tilting my head back to stare up at him through the tears streaming from my eyes.

He swiped his thumbs against the wetness on my cheeks. “She’s just as much yours as she is mine.”

“I love her so much,” I whispered, starting to sob in earnest.

He tightened his hold on me. “I know you do, baby.”

I sniffled against his chest and mumbled, “As much as I love you.”

His fingers flexed against my back before he leaned back to stare down at me. “Fuck, baby. I love you so damn much, too.”

“Really?” I clutched at his biceps. “Even after I let that guy take our little girl?”

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