Page 50 of Into the Fire

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“Where’s your bitch?” Don said to Homer. “She run out? Get the police? They’ll find you both dead!”

He turned the gun to Homer.

I pushed through the doors and shouted, “Down!”

My sudden presence startled Don. Homer and Michael both dropped to the floor. Don turned his gun to me, but I fired immediately, aiming for center mass, one-two-three. But I was moving and my aim was slightly off. All three bullets ripped into his upper right shoulder. He dropped the gun and fell screaming to the ground.

I ran over, kicked the gun away toward Homer, then turned to Henry.

He dropped the bag and put his hands up. His eyes were terrified behind the mask.

That’s when I heard sirens.

“My sister, my sister,” Henry sobbed. “Javier is going to hurt her.”

Millie ran in from the back. She hugged Homer and Michael, crying tears of relief. “Margo, Margo, thank you! You saved my family.”

“Henry,” I said, “Where is Javier right now?”

“He went to Sophia’s. He’s obsessed with her. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please help my sister. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t. Please.”

Homer picked up Don’s gun from the floor. He didn’t look comfortable holding it, but said, “Go, Margo. Go save the girl. I will tell the police everything.”

I ran out the back and as I sped down the street, I called 9-1-1.


Sophia Diaz

Sophia stared at Javier as he held a gun on her and Mrs. Edgar.

“W-what are you doing?”

“This is your fault,” Javier said. “You started this, Sophia. Talking to that woman. Telling her lies. She ruined everything! I was building a nest egg to take care of you. You’re mine, you’ve always been mine.”

Sophia was shaking and didn’t know what to say or how to stop Javier from doing something rash. She feared he was on drugs, which scared her even more. She wouldn’t be able to reason with him if his mind was twisted.

“Put the gun down,” Mrs. Edgar said firmly. She sounded calm, but she had to be scared just like Sophia. “Walk away, Javier. I won’t stop you.”

“Not without Sophia.”

Javier’s movements were erratic, his eyes bloodshot; he was sweating. Where was Henry? Had Javier hurt him?

Javier pulled Mrs. Edgar’s purse off the shelf and dumped the contents on the dining table. He grabbed her wallet and car keys.

“Let’s go, Sophia.”

“I won’t go with you.”

She was trying to be strong, but her voice quivered.

Javier rushed to her side so fast she didn’t have time to scream. He put the gun to her head and said, “You think you’re better than me? You’re nothing. Your mother is a fucking drug addict murderer. Your daddy didn’t even want you. You should be grateful that I love you. One more word, one more, and you’ll understand my wrath.”

She couldn’t stop shaking.

Mrs. Edgar started to move toward the phone and the gun went off. Sophia screamed.

“The next one goes in your head,” Javier told the woman.

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