Page 10 of Into the Fire

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Sophia pushed through her own fear and asked, “What have you done?”


But there was something he wasn’t telling her, and Sophia worried that Sergio was in jail because of Henry.

Because of Javier.

But why?

“It was you,” she whispered. “You and Javier did something worse than stealing, didn’t you? Is that why Sergio is in trouble? He tried to stop you?”

“You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about,” Henry said.

“Don’t swear at me.”

“You fucking goody-goody living in that pretty house. You think that old bitch loves you? She loves the check, just like Brenda. She doesn’t give a shit about you.”

Tears streamed down her face. “Stop. Please.”

“Stop, please,” he mimicked.

“Is... Sergio...protecting you from getting into a bad group?”

Henry sneered. “No, he’s in jail to protect you.”

She blinked. That made no sense.

Henry threw up his hands. “There’s no talking to you! You think you’re so special. Remember, you left me. You walked out.”

Henry waved at a group of his friends, then turned to her. She didn’t like how mad he looked, and she didn’t know how to fix what was wrong.

He reached into his pocket, pulled out a small box, and shoved it into her hand. “It’s from Javier. He was going to give it to you yesterday, but you bailed on us.” Then he walked away without another word.

She stared after him, until he disappeared down the hall. The first after-lunch bell rang and she jumped.

Henry had been moody for months. Sometimes, it was like old times, but mostly she and Sergio walked on eggshells around him.

And now...this Henry was no one she recognized.

She looked down at the box in her hand. She wanted to throw it away, unopened. Instead, she pulled at the uneven bow and the top came off.

It was a green pendant. It looked like an emerald, but it couldn’t be real. If it was real, it was worth a fortune.

On the inside of the box Javier had written: Sophia, A token of my affection. Love, Javi.

Sophia began to shake. She wanted to throw it away, but she didn’t. She put the lid on and pushed the small box deep into the pocket of her jeans. Her face was flushed and she felt both hot and cold.

This wasn’t the first present Javier had given to her. No matter what she told him, he didn’t stop. She wanted nothing from him, but he didn’t listen. And now, Henry was involved. How could her brother do this to her? He knew how she felt.

She didn’t know what to do.


I nibbled on potato chips as I watched the security video in Andy’s office. He was right. There was nothing on the tape that condemned Sergio or helped him. The shooter could be any average-looking male in his mid to late teens.

I watched the video for a third time and then said, “Two things. First, the killer came in with the purpose of killing the clerk.”

“You’re saying it’s premeditated.”

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