Page 78 of High Society

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Holly removes his IV and escorts him out to the waiting room, staying close by his side in case he loses his balance on the way.

After asking Tanya to call him a taxi, Holly hurries back to her office, closes the door, and drops into her seat. She has to fight back tears. She has never knowingly lied to a client before. At least not for personal gain.

Before Holly is even close to settling her nerves, Tanya knocks at the door and ushers Baljit into the room.

“How’s it going, Dr. Danvers?” Baljit plops herself onto the recliner and rolls up her sleeve, wordlessly demanding her IV therapy.

“OK, Baljit. How are you?”

She looks skyward. “Been better.”

“Are you sure you want to proceed with this today?” Holly asks, hoping the answer will be no.

“Want has nothing to do with it. I need.”

Holly has to steady her hand to insert the IV into Baljit’s forearm. After it’s secured, Holly turns on Baljit’s playlist of nineties female folk rock, straight out of Lilith Fair, and then robotically recites the same spiel she gave Simon about set and setting. Within minutes of the ketamine infusing into her vein, Baljit’s shoulders relax, and her right arm slips off the armrest.

Holly keeps her mouth shut, determined not to interrogate Baljit like she did Simon.

“God, I needed this,” Baljit murmurs. “Especially today.”

“Why today?”

“Because I didn’t think I’d ever be able to forgive him.”

“Who do you have to forgive?”

“My evil fucking dad,” she says with a laugh.

“What did he do to you?”

“What didn’t he do?” Baljit mutters. “Look, he can undermine me at the office all he wants. That’s fine. But to turn my daughter against me? That’s too shitty even for him.”

“How did he do that?”

“He told her I wasn’t a proper mom. That I put my own wants and needs first. That I’m not there for her like her Biji. Her grandmother.” Baljit groans. “Can you imagine anyone saying that to a seven-year-old? The one person in this world I love unconditionally. Sometimes, the only one I love at all.”

“That must have been difficult to hear.”

“No shit. But I forgive the bastard.” She laughs again. “You know why?”


“Because right now the universe wants me to forgive everyone. I can feel it.”

As tempted as Holly is to ask Baljit what she knows about Elaine and JJ, she can’t do it. Not after Simon. Instead, they lapse into silence, and Baljit’s head rolls from side to side along to the music.

“Liisa was so wrong about you,” Baljit says groggily.

“Liisa? Why do you mention her?”

“She tried to convince me what Elaine said about you was true. As if!” Baljit huffs. “You’re all right, Dr. Danvers.”

Holly’s breath catches. “Convince you, Baljit? I’m not following.”

“After… you know… the whole thing with Elaine and the touching.”

“What exactly did Liisa say?”

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